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 Glossary - English - Chinese

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Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 9 Aug 2006 - 12:00  #

Translations summary:
Classes - Races - Skills
Armors - Weapons - Attributes
Equipment - Items
*NEW*Finding group/form instance
PVP Ranks
Skills ranks - Mining - tailoring - leatherworking - skinning
jewelcrafting - inscription - first aid
Elemental components
Spells list from Heal for Warrior - Paladin - Hunter - Rogue - Druid- Warlock - Priest - Mage
New spells list for Death Knight - Druid - Hunter - Mage
New spells list for Paladin - Priest - Rogue - Shaman
New spells list for Warlock - Warrior

15 Nov 2008 - Update for the release of WOTLK inthe world (except in China ><).

Some vocabulary is missing or can be wrong as some translation are subject to changes by Blizzard. DOn't hesitate to send me corrections.

Shortcuts ingame, You have to know them a minimum!

Add: When another monster joins an existing battle.一只额外的怪物加入到现有的战斗中。
AFK: "Away From Keyboard" 离开键盘
Aggro: Short for aggressive; when a monster will attack you if you get within a certain distance of it. 这个词意味着怪物已经疯狂并且你已经将它们“激活”到开始攻击你的程度。它们现在开始会试图接近并攻击你。“鱼人被我Aggro了”“如果你继续接近,鱼人将被Aggro”
Area of Effect (AE/AoE): Usually referred to spells that affect a designated area.

Bind Point : BP. Area where you will return to if you use your hearthstone. You will need to speak to an innkeeper to bind in a different location.
Buff: Spell that enhances a player's abilities 施放与怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。

Camping: When a player or a group of players stay on the exact same place to hunt a special kind of creep,
Critter: Harmless ambient life that doesn't give XP.
Creep: Same as mob.

Damage over Time (DoT)
Debuff: Spell that hinders a player's abilities.
Direct Damage (DD): Spell that instantly hurts a target as soon as it's cast.
DPS: Damage per second.每秒伤害

FH: Full Health生命值全满。
FM: Full mana法力全满。

Game Master (GM): 游戏管理员

Lag: Latency; connection to server.
LFG: Looking for group寻找队伍以加入
LOM: Low on mana法力不足
Loot: The items that you can pick up from a mob/player that you killed; the act of taking said items.
LOL: 大笑

MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Game大型多玩家在线角色扮演游戏。
Mob: Monster怪物

Newb/Newbie/n00b: 菜鸟/ 黑手(I think)

NPC: "Non Player Character"

OOM: Out of mana.法力耗尽

PC: Player Character
Ping: Response time from client to server; measured in milliseconds.
PK: Player kill(er); Used in PvP.
Pop: Indicates that a target has spawned nearby.
Pull: Grabbing an enemy from a distance and making it come your way.
PvE: Player versus Environment;
PvP: Player versus Player; 玩家对玩家

Relog: To log off then log back in, often done to fix bugs.
Respawn: When someone or something something appears again after being killed or taken.怪物重新出生

Tank: One who takes all the enemy's hits, due to the characters strong focus on defense and hitpoints.

Über: German for big and great, used to signal that something is especially good.

WTB / WTS / WTT (F): Want to buy想要购买。 / Want to sell 想要出售。/ Want to trade (for)

Last edited by Globuline on Sat 21 May 2011 - 12:56; edited 19 times in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSun 13 Aug 2006 - 14:42  #
I also got the excel version of this, so It can be clearer. I can send it to you if you want.

World of Warcraft 魔兽世界móshòu shìjiè
(The Burning Crusade 燃烧远征 ránshāo yuǎnzhēng + Wrath of the Lich King 巫妖王之怒 )
Classes 职业 zhíyè - classes

deah knight 死亡骑士 sǐwáng qíshì - chevalier de la mort
druid 德鲁伊 délǔyī - druide
hunter 猎人 lièrén - chasseur
mage 法师 fǎshī - FS - mage
paladin 圣骑士 shèngqíshì - QS - paladin
priest 牧师 mùshi - MS - prêtre
rogue 盗贼 dàozéi - voleur
shaman 萨满 sàmǎn - shaman
warlock 术士 shùshì - SS - démoniste
warrior 战士 zhànshì - ZS - guerrier

races 种族 zhǒngzú - races
alliance 联明 liánmíng - alliance
dwarf 矮人 ǎirén - nain
elf 暗夜精灵 ànyè jīnglíng - elfe
gnome 侏儒 zhūrú - gnome
human 人类 rénlèi - humain
draenei 德莱尼人- déláiní rén

hord 部落bùluò - horde
orc 兽人 shòurén - orc
tauren 牛头人 niútóurén - tauren
troll 巨魔 jùmó - troll
undead 亡灵 wánglíng - mort-vivant
blood elf 血精灵 - xuè jīnglíng - elfe de sang

skills专业 zhuānyè - métiers
collect 收集 Shōují - collecte
herbalism 草药 cǎoyào- herboriste
mining 采矿cǎikuàng - mineur
skinning 剥皮 bōpí - dépeceur
secondary 第二技能 dìèr jìnéng - secondaire
cooking 烹饪 pēngrèn - cuisine
first aid 急救 jíjiù - secourisme
fishing 钓鱼 diàoyú - pêcher
primary 制造 zhìzào- fabrication
alchemy 炼金 liànjīn- alchimiste
blacksmithing 锻造 duànzào - forgeron
enchanting 附魔 fùmó - enchanteur
engineering 工程师 gōngchéngshī - ingénieur
leatherworking 制皮 - zhìpí - cuir
tailoring 裁缝 - cáifeng - couture
jewel crafting 宝石系统 - bǎoshí xìtǒng
inscription 铭文 míngwén - inscription

Last edited by Globuline on Sat 13 Dec 2008 - 18:17; edited 9 times in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 14 Aug 2006 - 15:15  #
armors甲胄jiǎzhòu - armures
cloth 布甲 bùjiǎ - tissu
leather 皮甲 píjiǎ - cuir
mail 锁甲 suǒjiǎ - maille
plate 板甲 bǎnjiǎ - plate

weapons 武器 wǔqì - armes
2 hands 双手shuāngshǒu - à 2 mains
axe 斧 fǔ - hache
bow/crossbow 弓弩 gōngnǔ - arc/arbalête
dagger 匕首 bǐshǒu - dague
fist weapon 拳套quántào - armes de poing
gun 火枪 huǒqiāng - fusil
mace 锤 chuí - marteau
one hand 单手 dānshǒu - à une main
polearm 长柄 chángbǐng - armes d'hast
staff 法杖 fǎzhàng - baton
sword 剑 jiàn - épée
thrown 投掷 tóuzhì - armes de lancer
wand 魔杖 zhàng - baguette

attributes 人物属性 rénwù shǔxìng - caractéristiques
agility 敏捷 mǐnjié - agilité
attack/distance 攻击/远程 gōngjī / yuǎnchéng - attaque/à distance
dammages 伤害 shānghài - dégats
defense / armor 防御 / 护甲 fángyù / hùjiǎ - défense / armure
energy 能量 néngliàng - énergie
experience - 经验 jīngyàn - expérience
guild 公会 gōnghuì - guilde
intellect 智力 zhìlì - intelligence
level 等级 děngjí - niveau
life 生命 shēngmìng - vie
mana 法力 fǎlì - mana
power 强度 qiángdù - puissance
rage 怒气 nùqì - rage
resistances 抵抗 dǐkàng - résistances
skills 技能 jìnéng - compétences
spirit 精神 jīngshén - esprit
stamina 耐力 nàilì - endurance
strengh 力量 lìliang - force
talent 天赋 tiānfù - talent

Last edited by on Wed 20 Sep 2006 - 20:42; edited 1 time in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 15 Aug 2006 - 1:42  #
equipment 装备 zhuāngbèi - équipement
Ammo 弹药 dànyào - Munitions
Back 背部 bèibù - dos
Bag 背包 bēibāo- sac
Bow 弓 gōng - arc
Chest 胸部 xiōngbù poitrine
Feet 脚 jiǎo - pieds
Finger 手指 shǒuzhǐ - doigts
Hands 手 shǒu - mains
Head 头部 tóubù - tête
Legs 腿部 tuǐbù - jambes
Main Hand 主手 zhǔshǒu - main principale
Neck 颈部 jǐngbù - cou
Off Hand 副手 fùshǒu- 2ème main
Range 远程 yuǎnchéng - à distance
Shirt 衬衣 chènyī - chemise
Shoulder 肩部 jiānbù - épaules
Tabard 徽章 huīzhāng - tabard
Trinket 饰品 shìpǐn - bijoux
Waist 腰部 yāobù - taille
Wrist 手腕 shǒuwàn - poignet

items 项目 xiàngmù - objets
arrow 箭 jiàn - flêches
belt 腰带 yāodài ceinture
boots 靴子 xuēzi - bottes
bracelet 护腕 hùwàn- bracelet
bullet 子弹 zǐdàn - balles
cloak 披风 pīfēng - cape
earings 耳环 ěrhuán - boucles d'oreilles
gloves 手套 shǒutào- gants
hat 帽 mào - chapeau
helm 头盔 tóukuī - haume
Legguards 腿甲 tuǐjiǎ - jambières
miscellaneous 其它 qítā - divers
necklace 项链 xiàngliàn - collier
pants 裤 kù - pantalon
ring 戒指 jièzhi- bague
robe 袍 páo - robe
shoes 鞋 xié - chaussures
shoulders 甲护肩 jiǎhùjiān - épaulettes
suit 套装 tàozhuāng - ensemble
tunic 外套 wàitào - tunique

Last edited by on Wed 20 Sep 2006 - 20:44; edited 1 time in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 15 Aug 2006 - 1:44  #
map 地图 dìtú cartes
Kalimdor 卡利姆多 kǎlìmǔduō
Ashenvale 灰谷 huīgǔ 18-30
Azshara 艾萨拉 àisàlā 45-55
Azuremyst Isle 秘血岛 mìxuè dǎo 10-20
Bloodmyst Isle 秘蓝岛 mìlán dǎo 1-10
Darkshore 黑海岸 hēi hǎi'àn 10-20
Desolace 凄凉之地 qīliáng zhīdì 30-40
Durotar 杜隆塔尔 Dùlōngtǎěr 1-10
Dustwallow Marsh 尘泥沼泽 chénní zhǎozé 35-45
Felwood 费伍德 fèiwǔdé 48-55
Feralas 菲拉斯 fěilāsī 40-50
Moonglade 月光林地 yuèguāng líndì 1-80
Mulgore 莫高雷 mògāoléi 1-10
Silithus 希利苏斯 xīlìsūsī 54-60
Stonetalon Mts 石爪山脉 shízhǎo shānmài 15-27
Tanaris 塔 纳利斯 tǎnàlìsī 40-50
Teldrassil 泰达希尔 tàidāxīěr 1-10
the Barrens 贫瘠之地 pínjí zhīdì 10-20
Thousand Needles 千针石林 qiānzhēn shílín 25-35
Un'Goro Crater 安戈洛环形山 āngēluò huánxíngshān 48-55
Winterspring 冬泉谷 dōngquán gǔ 55-60

Eastern Kingdoms 东部王国 dōngbùwángguó - Royaumes de l'Est
Alterac Mountains 奥特兰克山脉 àotèlánkè shānmài 33-43
Arathi Highlands 阿拉希高地 ālāxī gāodì 30-40
Badlands 荒芜之地 huāngwú zhīdì 35-45
Blasted Lands 诅咒之地 zǔzhòu zhīdì 45-55
Burning Steppes 燃烧平原 ránshāo píngyuán 50-58
Deadwind Pass 逆风小径 nìfēng xiǎojìng 55-60
Dun Morogh 丹莫 罗 dānmòluó 1-10
Duskwood 暮色森林 mùsè sēnlín 18-30
Eastern Plaguelands 东瘟疫之地 dōngwēnyì zhīdì 53-60
Elwynn Forest 艾尔文森林 àiěrwén sēnlín 1-10
Eversong Woods 永歌森林 yǒnggē sēnlín 1-10
Gostland 幽灵之地 yōulíng zhīdì 10-20
Hillsbrad Foothills 希尔斯布莱德丘陵 xīěrsībùláidé qiūlíng 20-40
Hinterlands 辛特兰 xīntèlán 40-50
Isle of Quel'Danas 查尔丹斯纳岛 chádānsīnà dǎo 70
Loch Modan 洛克莫丹 Luòkèmòdān 10-20
Redridge Mts 赤脊山 chì jíshān 15-25
Searing Gorge 灼热峡谷 zhuórè xiágǔ 43-50
Silverpine Forest 银松森林 yínsōngsēnlín 10-20
Stranglethorn Vale 荆棘谷 jīngjígǔ 30-45
Swamp of Sorrows 悲伤沼泽 bēishāng zhǎozé 35-45
Tirisfal Glades 提瑞司法林地 tíruìsīfǎ líndì 1-10
Western Plaguelands 西瘟疫之地 xīwēnyì zhīdì 51-58
Westfall 西部荒野 xībù huāngyě 10-20
Wetlands 湿地 shīdì 20-30

Outlands - 外域 wàiyù - Outremer
Blade's Edge Mountains 刀锋山 dāofēng shān 65-68
Hellfire Penninsula 地狱火半岛 dìyù huǒ bàndǎo 58-63
Nagrand 纳格兰 nàgélán 64-67
Netherstorm 虚空风暴 xūkōng fēngbào 67-70
Terokkar Forest 泰罗卡森林 tàiluókǎ sēnlín 62-65
Shadowmoon Valley 影月谷 yǐngyuè gǔ 67-70
Zangar Marsh 赞加沼泽 zànjiā zhǎozé 60-64

Northrend- 诺林德 nuòlíndé
Howling Fjord 尖啸海湾 jiānxiào hǎiwān 68 – 72
Borean Tundra 北风冻原 běifēng dòngyuán 68 – 72
Dragonblight 龙骨荒野 lónggǔ huāngyě 71 – 74
Grizzly Hills 灰陵 / 灰熊丘陵 huīlíng / huīxióng qiūlíng 73 – 75
Crystalsong Forest 晶歌森林 jīnggē sēnlín 74 – 76
Zul'Drak 祖尔德拉克 zǔěrdélākè 74 – 77
Sholazar Basin 休拉萨盆地/肖拉查盆地 xiūlāsà péndì 75 – 78
The Storm Peaks 风暴之巅 fēngbào zhī diān 76 – 80
Icecrown 冰冠 bīngguān 77 – 80
Wintergrasp 冬拥湖初窥 dōngyōnghú chūkuī Outdoor PVP

Last edited by Globuline on Sat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:03; edited 13 times in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 15 Aug 2006 - 12:15  #
instances 地下城 / 副本 dìxiachéng / fùběn - instances

RageFire Chasm (RF) 怒焰裂谷 nùyàn liègǔ 13-18
Wailing Caverns (WC) 哀嚎洞穴 āiháo dòngxué 15-21
Deadmines (DM) 死亡 矿坑 sǐwáng kuàngkēng 15-20
Shadowfang Keep (SFK) 影牙城堡 yǐngyá chéngbǎo 22-30
Blackfathom Depths (BFD) 黑暗深渊 hēiàn shēnyuān 24-32
Stockades 暴风监狱 bàofēng jiānyù 24-32
Razorfen Kraul (RFK) 剃刀沼泽 tìdāo zhǎozé 29-38
Gnomeragan 诺莫瑞根 nuòmòruìgēn 29-38
Razorfen Downs 剃刀高地 tìdāo gāodì 37-46
Scarlet Monastery (SM) 血色修道院 xuèsè xiūdàoyuàn 34-45
Uldaman 奥达曼 àodámàn 35-47
Zul'Farrak 祖尔法拉克 zǔěrfǎlākè 44-54
Maraudon 玛拉顿 mǎlādùn 46-55
Sunken Temple (SK) 塔哈克神庙 tǎhākè shénmiào 45-55
Blackrock Depths (BRD) 黑石深渊 hēishí shēnyuān 52+
Scholomance 本通灵学院 běn tōnglíng xuéyuàn 57+
Stratholme 斯坦索姆 sītǎnsuǒmǔ 58-60
Dire Maul (DM) 厄运之槌 èyùn zhīchuí 55-60
Blackrock Spire LBRS/UBRS 黑石塔下/上 hēishí tǎ xià/shàng 55-60 (UBRS raid 10)

Raid pre-BC

Onyxia's Lair 黑龙公主 hēilóng gōngzhǔ 60 (raid 40)
Zul'Gurub 祖尔格拉布 zǔěrgélābù 60 (raid 20)
Molten Core Molten Core (MC) 熔核之心 rónghé zhīxīn 60 (raid 40)
AQ20 安其拉废墟 ānqílā fèixū 60 (raid 20)
Blackwing Lair (BWL) 黑翼巢穴 hēiyì cháoxué 60 (raid 40)
AQ40 安其拉神庙 ānqílā shénmiào 60 (raid 40)
Naxxramas 纳克萨玛斯 nàkèsàmǎsī 60 (raid 40)


Hellfire Citadel 地狱火要塞 dìyù huǒ yàosài
Hellfire Ramparts 地狱火壁垒 dìyù huǒ bìlěi 60-63
The Blood Furnace 血之熔炉 xuèzhī rónglú 60-63
The Shattered Halls 碎裂大厅 suìliè dàtīng 70
Magtheridon's Lair 玛瑟里顿的巢穴 mǎsèlǐdùn de cháoxué 70 (raid 25)

Coilfang Reservoir 盘牙洞穴 pányá dòngxué
The Slave Pens 奴隶之圈 núlì zhī quān 62-64
The Underbog 沼泽洞穴 zhǎozé dòngxué 63-65
The Steamvault 蒸汽洞窟 zhēngqì dòngkū 70
Serpentshrine Cavern 毒蛇神殿洞穴 dúshé shéndiàn dòngxué 70 (raid 25)

Auchindoun 奥金顿 àojīndùn
Auchenai Crypts 奥金顿墓穴 àojīndùn mùxué 64-66
Mana-Tombs 法力坟墓 fǎlì fénmù 64-66
Sethekk Halls 塞泰克大厅 sāitàikè dàtīng 67-69
Shadow Labyrinth 暗影迷宫 ànyǐng mígōng 69-70

Caverns of Time 时光洞穴 shíguāng dòngxué
Old Hillsbrad Footbills 逃离墩霍尔德 táolí dūnhuòěrdé 66 -70
The Black Morass 黑色沼泽 /开启黑暗之门 hēisè zhǎozé/kāiqǐ hēi'àn zhī mén 70
The Battle For Mount Hyjal 海加尔 hǎijiāěr 70 (raid 25)

Tempest Keep 风暴要塞 fēngbào yàosài
The Mechanar 机修大厅 jīxiū dàtīng 70
The Botanica 植物园 zhíwùyuán 70
The Arcatraz 拱廊区 gǒngláng qū 70
The Nexus 尼克萨斯 níkèsàsī 71-73 (5)

Karazhan (KLZ) 卡拉赞 kǎlāzàn 70 (raid 10)
Zul'aman 祖阿曼 zǔāmàn 70 (raid 10)
Magistere Terrace 奥术师穹顶 àoshùshì qióngdǐng 70
Sunwell Plateau 太阳之井高原 tàiyáng zhī jǐng gāoyuán 70 (raid 25)
Gruul's Lair 戈鲁尔的巢穴 gēlǔěr de cháoxué 70 (raid 25)
Black Temple 黑暗神庙 hēiàn shénmiào 70 (raid 25)


Culling for Stratholme 斯坦索姆 sītǎnsuǒmǔ 70
Utgarde Keep 乌特加德要塞 wūtèjiādé yàosài 70-72 (5)
Azjol-Nerub 艾兹卓-尼鲁布 àizīzhuó - nílǔbù 72-74 (5)
Ahn'Kahet 73-75 (5)
Drak'tharon Keep 德拉克撒隆堡 délākèsālóng bǎo 74-76 (5)
The Violet Hold 75-77 (5)
Gundrak 甘德拉克 gāndélākè 76-78 (5)
Ulduar 奥达尔 àodáěr 76-80 (5)
Hall of Stone 石头大厅 shítou dàtīng 77-79 (5)
Dalaran's prison 达拉然监狱 dálārán jiānyù 77+ (5)
The Occulus 魔枢 móshū 80 (5)
Hall of Lighting 光明大厅 guāngmíng dàtīng 80 (5)
Utgarde Pinnacle 乌特加德尖塔 wūtèjiādé jiāntǎ 80 (5)
Vault of Archavon 阿大之窟 ādà zhī kū 80 (raid 10-25)
Chamber of Aspects 巨龙之室 jùlóng zhī shì 80 (raid 10-25)
Naxxramas 2 纳克萨玛斯 2 nàkèsàmǎsī 2 80 (raid 10-25)
Obsidian sanctum 黑曜石圣殿 hēiyàoshí shéndiàn 80 (raid 10-25)
The Eye of Eternity 写轮眼 xiělúnyǎn 80 (raid 10-25)
Icecrown Citadel 乌特加德 wūtèjiādé 80 (raid 10-25)

BattleGrounds 战场 zhànchǎng - champs de bataille

Arathi' Basin 阿拉希 盆地 ālāxī péndì - Bassin d'Arathi
Alterac Valley 奥特兰克 谷 àotèlánkè gǔ - Vallée d'Alterac
Eye of the Storm - 风暴之眼 fēngbào zhī yǎn - L'oeil du Cyclone
Eye of the Storm 风暴之眼 fēngbào zhī yǎn PVP
Strand of the Ancients 古老海岸战场 gǔlǎo hǎi'àn zhànchǎng
Warsong Gulch 战歌 峡谷 zhàngē xiágǔ - Goulet des Warsong

Last edited by Globuline on Sat 15 Nov 2008 - 21:58; edited 5 times in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 15 Aug 2006 - 13:10  #
miscellaneous 其他 qítā - divers
Miscellaneous 其他 qítā
Aggro 引 yǐn
Avoid 避开 bìkā
Bind on equiped 装备后绑定 zhuāngbèi hòu bǎngdìng
Bind on picked up 拾取后绑定 shíqǔ hòu bǎngdìng
Cancel 取消 qǔxiāo
Careful 小心 xiǎoxīn
Character 人物 rénwù
Chat 谈一谈 tányītán
Come back to 退回 tuìhuí
Concentrate 集中 jízhōng
Connect 上线了 shàngxiàn le
Creation 创造 chuàngzào
Decline 拒绝 jùjué
Deconnect 下线了 xiàxiàn le
Delete 删除 shānchú
Dice 色子 shǎizi
Die 死 sǐ
Disperse 驱散 qūsàn
Duel 决斗 juédòu
Elite 精英 jīngyīng - JY
Equipment 装备 zhuāngbèi
Fight 战斗 zhàndòu
Flykeeper 狮鹫管理员 shījiùguǎnlǐyuán
Follow 跟随 gēnsuí
Give up 放弃 fàngqì
Go back 却步 quèbù
Group (a) 队伍 duìwu
Group (to) 组 zǔ
Group leader 队长 duìzhǎng
Heal 洽疗 qiàliáo
Hit 打 dǎ
Inkeeper 旅店 lǚdiàn
Inspect 观察 guānchá
Intervene 干涉 gānshè
Invite 邀请 yāoqǐng
Kill 杀死 shāsǐ
Leave (a party) 离开 líkāi
Leave the game 退出游戏 tuìchū yóuxì
Look for 寻找 xúnzhǎo
Lucky 好运 Hǎoyùn
Magic 法术 fǎshù
Main 大好 dàhào
Maintain 保持 bǎochí
Mob 怪物 guàiwu
Newbie 菜鸟 cài niǎo
Pet 宠物 chǒngwù
Ping 延迟 yánchí
Prize 奖励 jiǎnglì
Pull 拽 zhuài
Pull/teleport 拉 lā
Quest 任务 rènwu
Quit 离开 líkāi
Raid 团队 tuánduì
Random 随机 suíjī
Realm 服务器 fúwùqì
Receive mail 收件箱 shōu jiànxiāng
Recipes 配方 pèifāng
Recover 恢复 huīfù
Recrute 招募 zhāomù
Release (spirit) 释放(灵魂) shìfàng (línghún)
Reputation 声望 shēngwàng
Reroll 小号 xiǎohào
Research 探索 tànsuǒ
Respawn 怪物重生 guàiwu chóngshēng
Rest 休息 xiūxi
Resurrection 复活 fùhuó
Run 跑 pǎo
Scream 喊 hǎn
Send mail 发件箱 fā jiànxiāng
Share 共享 gòngxiǎng
Sheep 样 yàng
Situation 状态 zhuàngtài
Speak 说 shuō
Tank 坦克 tǎnkè
Trade 交易 jiāoyì
Transform 变 biàn
Unlucky 黑手 hēishǒu
Wait 等 děng
Whisper 悄悄话 qiāoqiāohuà

Auction House 拍卖行 pāimàiháng
Weapons 武器 wǔqì
Armors 护甲 Hùjiǎ
Containers 容器 róngqì
Consumables 消耗品 xiāohàopǐn
Merchandise 商品 shāngpǐn
Ammunitions 弹药 dànyào
Quiver 箭袋 jiàndài
Recipes 配方 pèifāng
Materials 材料 cáiliào
Miscellaneous 其他 qítā
Browse 浏览 liúlǎn
Bid 竞标 jìngbiāo
Auction 拍卖 pāimài
Buy it now 一口价购 yīkǒu jiàgòu
Start price 起始价格 qǐshǐ jiàgé

Last edited by Globuline on Sat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:06; edited 15 times in total
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeFri 15 Sep 2006 - 14:47  #
It was time I do it: here is the first part of the interface settings:

When you press escape, here is what you get :

menu主菜单 zhǔcài dān - menu
audios settings 声音设置 shēngyīn shèzhì - options audios
back to character choice 返回人物选择 fǎnhuí rénwù xuǎnzé - retour au choix de personnages
back to game 返回游戏 fǎnhuí yóuxì - retour au jeu
keyboard configuration 按键设置 ànjiàn shèzhì - configuration clavier
leave game 退出游戏 tuìchū yóuxì - sortir du jeu
macro 宏命令设置 hóngmìnglìng shèzhì - macro
video settings 视频设置 shìpín shèzhì - Options vidéos
world settings 世面设置 shìmiàn shèzhì - options monde

Glossary - English - Chinese

Glossary - English - Chinese

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Glossary - English - Chinese

Glossary - English - Chinese
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSun 26 Nov 2006 - 15:17  #
hehe, I'm soooo, not done yet...
And krokro, didn't you have a website with the name of the beasts translated?

PVP rank translation done!

PVP 玩家 wánjiā PVP
rank 等级 děngjí rang
reward 奖励 jiǎnglì récompense
title 头衔 tóuxián titre

alliance 联明 liánmíng
14 Grand Marshal 大元帅 dàyuán shuài - connétable
13 Field Marshal 元帅 yuánshuài - grand maréchal
12 Marshal 统帅 tǒngshuài - maréchal
11 Commander 司令 sīlìng - commandant
10 Lieutenant Commander 少校 - shàoxiào lieutenant-commandant
9 Knight-Champion 护卫骑士 hùwèi qíshì - chevalier-champion
8 Knight-Captain 骑士队长 qíshì duìzhǎng - chevalier-capitaine
7 Knight-Lieutenant 骑士中尉 qíshì zhōngwèi - chevalier-lieutenant
6 Knight 骑士 qíshì - chevalier
5 Sergeant Major 士官长 shìguān zhǎng - sergent-major
4 Master Sergeant 军士长 jūnshì zhǎng - sergent-chef
3 Sergeant 中士 zhōngshì - sergent
2 Corporal 下士 xiàshì - caporal
1 Private 列兵 lièbīng- soldat

hord 部落 bùluò horde
14 high-warlord 高阶督军 gāojiē dūjūn - grand seigneur de guerre
13 warlord 督军 dūjūn - seigneur de guerre
12 general 将军 jiāngjun - général
11 lieutenant-general 中将 zhōngjiàng - lieutenant-général
10 champion 勇士 yǒngshì - champion
9 centurion 百夫长 bǎifū zhǎng - centurion
8 legionnare 军团士兵 jūntuán shìbīng- légionnaire
7 blood guard 血卫士 xuè wèishì garde de sang
6 stone guard 石头守卫 shítou shǒuwèi - garde de pierre
5 first sergeant 一等军士长 yīděng jūnshì zhǎng - adjudant
4 senior sergeant 高阶军士 gāojiē jūnshì - sergent-chef
3 sergeant 中士 zhōngshì - sergent
2 grunt 步兵 bùbīng - grunt
1 scout 侦察兵 zhēnchábīng - éclaireur

And LePanda, I think you can kneel before me now... queen

Last edited by on Sat 10 Mar 2007 - 17:54; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 399
Joined : 2006-10-25
Male Location : Shanghai

Character in WOW
Server: 玛多兰
Name: Biceps

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSun 3 Dec 2006 - 0:50  #

Kalimdor 卡利姆多kǎlìmǔduō
Alliance 联明 liánmíng
Astranaar 阿斯特兰纳 āsītèlánnà
Auberdine 奥伯丁 àobódīng
Azur Watch 碧蓝岗哨 bìlán gǎngshào
Blood Watch 秘血岗哨 mìxiě gǎngshào
Crash Site 坠毁点 zhuìhuǐ diǎn
Darnassus 达纳苏斯 dānàsūsī
Exodar 埃索达 āisuǒdá
Feathermoon 羽月要塞 yǔyuè yàosài
Nijel's point 尼耶尔前哨站 níyéěr qiánshàozhàn
Rut'theran 鲁瑟兰村 lǔsèláncūn
Stonetalon pics 石爪峰 shízhǎo shān
Talrendis point 塔伦迪斯营地 tǎlúndísī yíngdì
Talonbranch glade 刺枝林地 cìzhī líndì
Teramore 塞拉摩岛 sāilāmódǎo
Thalanaar 萨兰纳尔 sàlánnàěr
Theramore Isle 塞拉摩岛 sāilāmódǎo

Horde 部落 bùluò
Bloodvenom post 血毒岗哨 xuèdú gǎngshào
Brackenwall village 蕨墙村 Juéqiáng cūn
Camp Mojache 莫沙彻营地 mòshāchè yíngdì
Camp Taurajo 陶拉祖营地 táolāzǔ yíngdì
Freewind Post 乱风岗 luànfēng gǎng
Orgrimmar 奥格瑞玛 àogéruìmǎ
Shadowprey Village 葬影村 zàngyǐng cūn
Splintertree post 碎木岗哨 suìmù gǎngshào
Sunrock retreat 烈日石居 lièrì shí jū
The Crossroad 十字路口 shízì lùkǒu
Thunder Bluff 雷霆崖 léitíng yá
Valormok 瓦罗莫克 wǎluómòkè
Zoram'gar 佐拉姆加前哨战 zuǒlāmǔjiā qiánshàozhàn

Neutral 中立 zhōnglì
Cenarion hold 塞纳里奥要塞 sāinàlǐào yàosài
Everlook 永望镇 yǒngwàngzhèn
Gadgetzan 加基森 jiājīsēn
Marshall's refuge 马绍尔营地 mǎshàoěr yíngdì
Nighthaven city 雷姆洛斯神殿 LéimǔLuòsī shéndiàn
Ratchett 棘齿城 jíchǐ chéng
the Shimmering Flat 闪光平原 shǎnguāngpíngyuán

Northrend 诺林德nuòlíndé

Alliance 联明 liánmíng
Amberpine Lodge 琥珀松林 hǔpò sōnglín
Crusaders' Pinnacle 远征军峰 yuǎnzhēngjūn fēng
Explorers' League Outpost 探险者协会前哨 tànxiǎnzhě xiéhuì qiánshào
Fizzcrank Airstrip 菲兹克兰临时机场 fěizīkèlán línshí jīchǎng
Fordragon Hold 弗塔根要塞 fútǎgēn yàosài
Fort Wildervar
Frosthold 严霜堡 yánshuāng bǎo
Star's Rest 星眠神殿 xīngmián shéndiàn
Valgarde 瓦尔加德 wǎěrjiādé
Valiance Keep 无畏要塞 wúwèi yàosài
Westfall Brigade Encampment
Westguard Keep 西部防卫要塞 xībù fángwèi yàosài
Windrunner's Overlook 风行者眺望所 fēngxíngzhě tiàowàng suǒ
Wintergarde Keep

Horde 部落 bùluò
Agmar's Hammer 阿格玛之锤 āgémǎ zhī chuí
Apothecary Camp 药剂师营地 yàojìshī yíngdì
Camp Oneqwah 欧尼克瓦营地 ōuníkèwǎ yíngdì
Camp Tunka'lo
Camp Winterhoof 冬蹄营地 dōngtí yíngdì
Conquest Hold 征服堡 zhēngfú bǎo
Grom'arsh Crash-Site
Kor'kron Vanguard 柯尔克隆先锋驻地 kēěrkèlóng xiānfēng zhùdì
New Agamand 新阿加曼德 xīn ājiāmàndé
Sunreaver's Command
Taunka'le Village 坦卡雷村 tǎnkǎléi cūn
The Shadow Vault 暗影穹殿 ànyǐng qióngdiàn
Transitus Shield
Vengeance Landing 复仇码头 fùchóu mǎtou
Venomspite 毒怨之地 dúyuàn zhī dì
Warsong Hold 战歌堡 zhàngē bǎo

Neutral 中立 zhōnglì
Amber Ledge
Argent Vanguard 银色北伐军 yínsè běifájūn
Bouldercrag's Refuge
Dalaran 达拉然 dálārán
Death's Rise
Dun Niffelem
Ebon Watch 黑锋骑士团的哨站 hēifēngqíshìtuán shàozhàn
Isle of Spears 锐矛之岛 ruìmáo zhī dǎo
Kamagua 卡莫古阿 kǎmògǔā
K's'litain 卡兹立顿 kǎzīlìdùn
Light's Breach 圣光之楔 shèngguāng zhī xiē
Moa'ki Harbor 莫阿奇海港 mòāqí hǎigǎng
Nesingwary Base Camp
River's Heart 河流之心 héliú zhī xīn
The Argent Stand 银色岗哨 yínsè gǎngshào
Ulduar 奥达尔 àodáěr
Unu'pe 昂纽沛 ángniǔpèi
Wyrmrest Temple 龙眠神殿 lóngmián shéndiàn
Zim'Torga 金托戈 jīntuōgē

Last edited by on Sat 9 Dec 2006 - 0:46; edited 2 times in total

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Location : Shanghai

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 5 Dec 2006 - 7:26  #

Eastern Kingdoms 东部王国 dōngbùwángguó

Alliance 联明 liánmíng
Aerie Peak 鹰巢山 yīngcháoshān
Chillwind point 冰凤岗 Bīngfèng gǎng
Darkshire 夜色镇 yèsèzhèn
Falconwing Square 鷹翼广场 Yīngyì guǎngchǎng
Farstrider Retreat 远行者居所 yuǎnxíngzhě jūsuǒ
Fairbeeze Village 晴 风村 qíngfēng cūn
Goldshire 闪金镇 shǎnjīnzhèn
Ironforge 铁炉堡 tiělú bǎo
Lakeshire 湖畔镇 húpànzhèn
Menethil 米余希港 mǐyúxīěr gǎng
Morgan's vigil 摩根的岗哨 Mógēn de gǎngshào
Nethergarde keep 守望堡耐瑟加德城堡 Shǒuwàng bǎonàisèjiādé chéngbǎo
Refuge Pointe 避难谷地 bìnàngǔdì
Sentinel hill 哨兵岭 shàobīng lǐng
Southshore 南海镇 nánhǎizhèn
Stormwind City 暴风城 bàofēng chéng
Suncrown Village 日冕村 rìmiǎn cūn
Tranqillien 塔奎林 Tǎkuí lín
Thelsamar 塞尔萨玛 gǔěrsàmǎ

Horde 部落 bùluò
Flamcrest 索瑞森废墟 suǒruìsēn fèixū
Grom'gol 格罗姆高营地 géluómǔgāo yíngdì
Hammerfall 落锤镇 luòchuí zhèn
Kargath 卡加斯 Kǎjiāsī
Revantusk village 恶齿村 èchǐ cūn
Silvermoon City 银月城 yínyuè chéng
Stonard 斯通 纳德 sītōngnàdé
Tarren mill 塔伦米尔 tǎlúnmǐěr
The sepulcher 瑟伯切尔 sèbóqiēěr
Undercity 幽暗城 yōu'àn chéng

Neutral 中立 zhōnglì
Booty Bay 藏宝海湾 cángbǎohǎiwān
Dawnstar Village 晨星村 chénxīng cūn
Light's Hope Chapel 圣光之愿礼拜糖 shèngguāng zhīyuàn lǐbàitáng
Thorium point 瑟银哨点 sèyín shàodiǎn
Raven Hill 乌鸦岭 wūyālǐng

Outlands 外域 wàiyù

Alliance 联明 liánmíng
Allerian Stronghold 奥蕾莉亚要塞 àolěilìyà yàosài
Honor Hold 荣耀堡 róngyào bǎo
Orebor Harborage 奥雷伯尔港 àoléibóěr gǎng
Sylvanar 希尔瓦纳 xīěrwǎnà
Teelar 塔拉尔 tǎlāěr
Telredor 泰伦多尔 tàilúnduōěr
Temple of Shan'aar 莎纳神殿 Shānà shéndiàn
Toshley's Station 托什雷的基地 Tuōshénléi de jīdì
Wildhammer Stronghold 蛮锤要塞 mánchuí yàosài

Horde 部落 bùluò
Faulcon's Watch 猎鹰哨站 lièyīng shàozhàn
Garadar 加兰达 jiālándá
Mok Nathal Village 莫克纳萨村 Mòkènàsà cūn
Shadowmoon Village 影月村 yǐngyuè cūn
Stonebreaker Hold 破石堡 pòshí bǎo
Swamprat Post 沼泽鼠哨岗 zhǎozéshǔ shàogǎng
Thunderlord Stronghold 雷神要塞 léishén yàosài
Thrallmar 萨尔玛 sàěrmǎ
Zabra'jin 萨布拉金 sàbùlājīn

Neutral 中立 zhōnglì
Aeris 埃瑞斯 āiruìsī
Altart of Sha'tar 沙塔尔祭坛 shātǎěr jìtán
Ancient Draenei base 古代德莱尼基地 gǔdài déláiní jīdì
Area 52 52区 52 qū
Black landing 黑风码头 hēifēng mǎtóu
Cenarion's refuge 塞纳里奥避 所 sāinàlǐào bìnànsuǒ
Evergrove 常青林 Chángqīng lín
Gronn'bor Shrine 戈隆伯尔神殿 gēlóngbóěr shéndiàn
Halaa 哈尔拉 hāěrlā
Sanctum of the stars 群星圣殿 Qúnxīng shèngdiàn
Shattrath City 沙塔斯城 shātǎsī chéng
Sporeggar 斯博尔加 sībóěrjiā
The Stormspire 风暴之尖 fēngbào zhījiān

Posts : 399
Joined : 2006-10-25
Male Location : Shanghai

Character in WOW
Server: 玛多兰
Name: Biceps

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 23 Dec 2006 - 16:39  #
Rank 等 级 děngjí - Rang
Apprentice 初级 chūjí
Journeyman 中级 zhōngjí
Expert 高级 gāojí
Artisan 专家级 zhuānjiājí
Master 大师级 dàshījí
Grand Master 宗师级 zōngshījí

mining 采矿 cǎikuàng - mineur
Ore 矿石 kuàngshí
Bar 锭 dìng
Copper 铜 tóng
Tin 锡 xī
Silver 银 yín
Bronze 青铜 qīngtóng
Iron 铁 tiě
Coal 煤块 méikuài
Gold 金 jīn
Steel 钢 gāng
Mithril 秘银 mìyín
Truesilver Silver 真银 zhēnyín
Dark Iron 黑铁 hēitiě
Thorium 瑟银 sèyín
Enchanted Thorium 魔化瑟银 móhuàsèyín
Arcanite 奥金 àojīn
Elementium 源质 yuánzhì
Fel Iron 魔铁 mótiě
Adamantite 精金 jīngjīn
Felsteel 魔钢 mógāng
Eternium 恒金 héngjīn
Khorium 氪金 kèjīn
Hardened adamantite 硬化精金 yìnghuà jīngjīn
Hardened khorium 硬化氪金 yìnghuà kèjīn
Cobalt 钴蓝 gǔlán
Saronite 萨钢 sàgāng
Titanium 泰坦金 tàitǎnjīn
Titansteel 泰坦锻钢 tàitǎn duàngāng

Stones 石头 shítóu
Rough Stone 劣质的石头 lièzhì de shítóu
Coarse Stone 粗糙的石头 cūcāo de shítóu
Heavy Stone 沉重的石头 chénzhòng de shítóu
Solid Stone 坚固的石头 jiāngù de shítóu
Dense Stone 厚重的石头 hòuzhòng de shítóu

Azeroth Precious Stones 宝石 bǎoshí
Aquamarine 青绿石 qīnglǜshí
Arcane crystal 奥术水晶 àoshùshuǐjīng
Azerothian diamond 艾泽拉斯钻石 àizélāsīzuànshí
Black diamond 黑钻石 hēizuànshí
Black vitriol 黑色硫酸盐 hēisè liúsuānyán
Blood of the mountain 山脉之血 shānmài zhī xuè
Blue sapphire 蓝宝石 lánbǎoshí
Citrine 黄水晶 huáng shuǐjīng
Huge emerald 巨型绿宝石 jùxínglǜbǎoshí
Jade 翡翠 fěicuì
Large opal 大猫眼石 dàmāoyǎnshí
Lesser moonstone 次级月亮石 cìjíyuèliangshí
Malachite 孔雀石 kǒngquèshí
Moss agate 绿玛瑙 lǜmǎnǎo
Pristine black diamond 原始黑钻石 yuánshǐ hēi zuànshí
Shadowgem 暗影石 ànyǐngshí
Souldarite 灵魂宝钻 línghún bǎozuàn
Star ruby 红宝石 hóngbǎoshí
Tigerseye 虎眼石 hǔyǎnshí

Outland Precious Stones
Azure moonstone 碧月石 bìyuè shí
Blood garnet 血榴石 xuèliúshí
Crimson spinel 赤尖石 chìjiān shí
Dawnstone 黎明石 límíng shí
Deep Peridot 翠榄石 cuìlǎn shí
Earthstorm diamond 大地风暴钻石 dàdìfēngbào zuànshí
Empyrean sapphire 天蓝宝石 tiānlán bǎoshí
Flame spessarite 火榴石 huǒliúshí
Golden draenite 德拉诺金钻 délānuò jīn zuàn
Lionseye 狮眼石 shīyǎn shí
Living ruby 红曜石 hóngyào shí
Nightseye 夜目石 yèmù shí
Noble topaz 黄晶玉 huángjīngyù
Pyrestone 焚石 fén shí
Seaspray emerald 海浪翡翠 hǎilàng fěicuì
Shadow draenite 德拉诺影钻 délānuò yǐng zuàn
Shadowsong amethyst 影歌紫玉 yǐnggē zǐyù
Skyfire diamond 天火钻石 tiānhuǒ zuànshí
Star of elune 艾露恩之星 àilùēn zhī xīng
Talasite 水玉 shuǐyù

Northrend Precious Stones
Autumn's glow 秋辉石 qiūhuī shí
Bloodstone 赤血石 chìxuè shí
Cardinal ruby 血红宝石 xuèhóng bǎoshí
Chalcedony 苍玉髓 cāng yùsuǐ
Dark jade 翠玉髓 cuì yùsuǐ
Dragon's eye 龙眼石 lóngyǎn shí
Dreadstone 恐惧石 kǒngjù shí
Earthsiege diamond 裂地钻石 lièdì zuànshí
Eye of Zul 祖尔之眼 zǔě zhī yǎn
Forest emerald 森林祖母绿 sēnlín zǔmǔlǜ
Huge citrine 柠檬石 níngméng shí
King's amber 帝王琥珀 dìwáng hǔpò
Majestic zircon 高贵锆石 zuànshí
Monarch topaz 帝王黄玉 dìwáng huángyù
Northsea pearl 北海珍珠 běihǎi zhēnzhū
Scarlet ruby 猩红石 xīnghóng shí
Shadow crystal 影水晶 yǐng shuǐjīng
Siren's tear 海妖之泪 hǎiyāo zhī lèi
Sky sapphire 天青石 tiānqīng shí
Skyflare diamond 日珥钻石 rì'ěr zuànshí
Sun crystal 阳水晶 yáng shuǐjīng
Twilight opal 暮色蛋白石 mùsè dànbáishí

tailoring 裁缝 cáifeng couture
Azure Spellthread 苍蓝法术丝线 cānglán fǎshùsīxiàn
Bolt 卷 juǎn
Brilliant Spellthread 明亮法术丝线 míngliàng fǎshùsīxiàn
Felcloth 恶魔布 Èmóbù
Frostweave cloth 霜纹布 shuāng wénbù
Iceweb Spider Silk 冰网蛛丝 bīngwǎngzhūsī
Imbued Frostweave cloth 魔化霜纹布 móhuà shuāng wénbù
Imbued Netherweave cloth 魔化灵纹布 móhuà língwénbù
Ironweb Spider Silk 铁网蛛丝 tiěwǎngzhūsī
Linen Cloth 亚麻布 yàmábù
Mageweave Cloth 魔纹布 mówénbù
Mooncloth 月布 yuèbù
Moonshroud 月影布 yuèyǐngbù
Netherweave cloth 灵纹布 língwénbù
Netherweb Spider Silk 灵网蛛丝 língwǎngzhūsī
Primal Mooncloth 原始月布 yuèbù
Runecloth 符文布 fúwénbù
Sapphire Spellthread 蓝宝石魔线 lánbǎoshí móxiàn
Shadow Spider Silk 暗影蛛丝 ànyǐngzhūsī
Shadowcloth 暗影布 ànyǐngbù
Shining Spellthread 闪耀法术丝线 shǎnyào fǎshùsīxiàn
Silk Cloth 丝绸 sīchóu
Soulcloth 灵魂布 línghúnbù
Spellcloth 魔法布 mófǎbù
Spellweave 法术丝线 fǎshùsīxiàn
Spider’s Silk 蜘蛛丝 zhīzhūsī
Thick Spider’s Silk 粗蜘蛛丝 cūzhīzhūsī
Wool Cloth 麻料 máoliào

leatherworking 制皮 zhìpí cuir
Light Leather 轻皮 qīngpí
Medium Leather 中皮 zhōngpí
Heavy Leather 重皮 zhòngpí
Thick Leather 厚皮 hòupí
Rugged Leather 硬甲皮 yìngjiǎpí
Knothide Leather 结缔皮 jiédì pí
Heavy Knothide Leather 重结缔皮 zhòngjiédìpí
Borean leather 北风皮 běifēngpí
Heavy borean leather 重北风皮 zhòngběifēngpí

armor kits
Light Armor Kit 轻型护甲片 qīngxíng hùjiǎpiān
Medium Armor Kit 中型护甲片 zhōngxíng hùjiǎpiān
Heavy Armor Kit 重型护甲片 zhòngxíng hùjiǎpiān
Thick Armor Kit 厚重护甲片 hòuzhòng hùjiǎpiān
Rugged Armor Kit 毛皮护甲片 máopí hùjiǎpiān
Core Armor kit 熔火护甲片 rónghuǒ hùjiǎpiān
knothide armor kit 结缔皮护甲片 jiédìpí hùjiǎpiān
Vindicator's armor kit 守备官的护甲片 shǒubèiguān hùjiǎpiān
Shadow armor kit 暗影护甲片 ànyǐng hùjiǎpiān
Flame armor kit 烈焰护甲片 lièyàn hùjiǎpiān
Arcane armor kit 奥术护甲片 àoshù hùjiǎpiān
Nature armor kit 自然护甲片 hùjiǎpiān
Frost armor kit 冰霜护甲片 bīngshuāng hùjiǎpiān
Heavy knothide armor kit 厚重结缔皮护甲片 hòuzhòng jiédìpí hùjiǎpiān
Borean armor kit 北风护甲片 běifēng hùjiǎpiān
Heavy borean armor kit 重北风护甲片 zhòng běifēng hùjiǎpiān
Fur lining attack power

skinning 剥皮bōpí
Artic fur 北极毛皮 máopí
Chimera leather 奇美拉皮革 qíměilāpígé
Core Leather 熔火犬皮 rónghuǒquǎnpí
Crystal infused leather 水晶能量皮革 shuǐjīng néngliàng pígé
Devilsaur leather 魔暴龙皮 móbàolóngpí
Enchanted Leather 魔化皮 móhuàpí
Frostsaber leather 霜刃豹皮革 shuāngrènbào pígé
Primal bat leather 原始蝙蝠皮 yuánshǐ biānfú pí
Primal tiger leather 原始虎皮 yuánshǐ hǔ pí
Raptor hide 迅猛龙的外皮 xùnměnglóng de wàipí
Shadowcat hide 暗影猎豹毛皮 ànyǐng lièbào máopí
Thick clefthoof leather 厚裂蹄牛皮 hòu liètí niúpí
Thick wolfhide 厚狼皮 hòulángpí
Thin Kodo leather 薄科多兽皮 báo kēduōshòupí
Warbear leather 战熊皮 zhànxióng pí

Light hide 轻毛皮 qīng máopí
Cured heavy hide 熟化重毛皮 shóuhuà zhòng máopí
Cured light hide 熟化轻毛皮 shóuhuà qīng máopí
Cured medium hide 熟化中毛皮 shóuhuà zhōng máopí
Cured rugged hide 熟化硬甲毛皮 shóuhuà yìngjiǎmáopí
Cured thick hide 熟化厚毛皮 shóuhuà hòu máopí
Fel hide 魔皮 mópí
Heavy hide 重毛皮 zhòng máopí
Medium hide 中毛皮 zhōng máopí
Rugged hide 硬甲毛皮 máopí
Thick hide 厚毛皮 hòu máopí

Black dragonscale 黑色龙鳞 hēisè línpiàn
Black whelp scale 黑色雏龙鳞片 hēisè chúlóng línpiàn
Blue dragonscale 蓝色龙鳞 lánsè lónglín
Brilliant chromatic scale 闪亮的彩色龙鳞 shǎnliàng de cǎisè lónglín
Cobra scale 眼镜蛇鳞片 yǎnjìngshé línpiàn
Deviate scale 飞蛇鳞片 fēishé línpiàn
Dreamscale 梦鳞 mènglín
Fel scale 魔鳞 mólín
Green dragonscale 绿色龙鳞 lǜsè lónglín
Green whelp scale 绿色雏龙鳞片 lǜsè chúlóng línpiàn
Heavy scorpid scale 厚蝎鳞 hòu xiēlín
Heavy silithid carapace 重型异种蝎甲壳 zhòngxíng yìzhǒngchóng xiējiǎké
Icy dragon scale 冰封龙鳞 bīngfēng lónglín
Jormungar scale 蠕虫鳞片 rúchóng línpiàn
Light silithid carapace 轻型异种虫壳 qīngxíng yìzhǒngchóng ké
Nerubian chitin 蛛怪几丁质 zhūguài jīdīngzhì
Nether dragonscales 虚空龙鳞 xūkōnglóng lín
Perfect deviate scale 完美的飞蛇鳞片 wánměi de fēishé línpiàn
Red dragonscales 红色龙鳞 hóngsè lónglín
Red whelp scale 红色雏龙鳞片 hóngsè chúlóng línpiàn
Scale of onyxia 奥妮克希亚鳞片 àonīkèxīyà línpiàn
Scorpid scale 蝎鳞 xiēlín
Silithid chitin 异种虫几丁质 yìzhǒngchóng jīdīngzhì
Slimy murloc scale 粘糊糊的鱼人鳞片 zhānhúhu de yúrén línpiàn
Thick murloc scale 厚鱼人鳞片 hòu yúrén línpiàn
Turtle scale 龟壳 guīké
Wind scales 风鳞 fēnglín
Worn dragonscale 破碎的龙鳞 pòsuì de lónglínEnchanted Thorium 魔化瑟银 móhuàsèyín
Arcanite 奥金 àojīn
Elementium 源质 yuánzhì
Fel Iron 魔铁 mótiě
Adamantite 艾曼泰 àimàntài
Felsteel 魔钢 mó

Last edited by Krokro on Sat 21 Aug 2010 - 8:15; edited 4 times in total

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSun 24 Dec 2006 - 7:02  #
Elemental components 元素制件 Yuǎnsù zhìjiàn - Composants élémentaires
Heart of Fire 火焰之心 huǒyàn zhīxīn - Coeur de Feu
Globe of Water 纯水之球 chúnshuǐzhīqiú - Globe d'eau
Core of Earth 大地之核 dàdì zhīhé Noyau de Terre
Breath of Wind 风之气息 fēng zhīqìxī - Souffle de Vent
Elemental Fire 元素火焰 yuǎnsù huǒyàn - Elémental de feu
Elemental Water 元素之水 yuǎnsù zhīshuǐ - Elémental d'eau
Elemental Earth 元素之土 yuǎnsù zhītǔ - Elémental de terre
Elemental Air 元素空气 yuǎnsù kōngqì - Elémental d'air
Essence of Fire 火焰精 华 huǒyàn jīnghuá - Essence de feu
Essence of Water 水之精 华 shuǐzhī jīnghuá - Essence d'eau
Essence of Earth 大地精 华 dàdì jīnghuá - Essence de terre
Essence of Air 空气精 华 kōngqì jīnghuá - Essence d'air
Essence of Undeath 死灵精 华 sǐlíng jīnghuá - Essence de non mort
Living Essence 生命精 华 shēngmìng jīnghuá- Essence vivante

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 13 Jan 2007 - 7:22  #
Enchanting 附魔 fùmó

Copper Rod 铜棒 tóng bàng
Silver Rod 银棒 yín bàng
Golden Rod 金棒 jīn bàng
Truesilver Rod 真银棒 zhēnyín bàng
Arcanite Rod 奥金棒 àojīn bàng
Fel iron rod 魔铁棒 mótiě bàng
runed fel iron rod 符文魔铁棒 fúwén mótiě bàng
Adamantite rod 坚钢棒 jiāngāng bàng
Runed adamantite rod 符文坚钢棒 fúwén jiāngāng bàng
Runed eternium rod 符文恒金棒 fúwén héng jīnbàng
Runed cobalt rod 符文钴蓝棒 fúwén gǔlán bàng
Runed titanium rod 符文泰坦棒 fúwén tàitǎn bàng

Strange Dust 奇异之尘 qíyì zhī chén
Soul Dust 灵魂之尘 línghún zhī chén
Vision Dust 幻象之尘 huànxiàng zhī chén
Dream Dust 梦境之尘 mèngjìng zhī chén
Illusion Dust 幻影之尘 huànyǐng zhī chén
Arcane dust 奥法之尘 àofǎ zhī chén
Infinite dust 无限之尘 wúxiàn zhī chén

Green items
Lesser Magic Essence 次级魔法精华 cìjí mófǎ jīnghuá
Greater Magic Essence 强效魔法精华 jiàngxiào mófǎ jīnghuá
Lesser Astral Essence 次级星界精华 cìjí xīngjiè jīnghuá
Greater Astral Essence 强效星界精华 jiàngxiào xīngjiè jīnghuá
Lesser Mystic Essence 次级秘法精华 cìjí bìfǎ jīnghuá
Greater Mystic Essence 强效秘法精华 jiàngxiào bìfǎ jīnghuá
Lesser Nether Essence 次级虚空精华 cìjí xūkōng jīnghuá
Greater Nether Essence 强效虚空精华 jiàngxiào xūkōng jīnghuá
Lesser Eternal Essence 次级不灭精华 cìjí búmiè jīnghuá
Greater Eternal Essence 强效不灭精华 jiàngxiào búmiè jīnghuá
Lesser planar essence 次级位面精华 cìjí wèimiàn jīnghuá
Greater planar essence 强效位面精华 jiàngxiào wèimiàn jīnghuá
Lesser cosmic essence 次级宇宙精华 cìjí yǔzhòu jīnghuá
Greater cosmic essence 强效宇宙精华 jiàngxiào yǔzhòu jīnghuá

Blue items
Small Glimmering Shard 小块微光碎片 xiǎokuài wēiguāng suìpiàn
Large Glimmering Shard 大块微光碎片 dàkuài wēiguāng suìpiàn
Small Glowing Shard 小块光碎片 xiǎokuài shǎnguāng suìpiàn
Large Glowing Shard 大块闪光碎片 dàkuài shǎnguāng suìpiàn
Small Radiant Shard 小块强光碎片 xiǎokuài jiàngguāng suìpiàn
Large Radiant Shard 大块强光碎片 dàkuài jiàngguāng suìpiàn
Small Brilliant Shard 小块魔光碎片 xiǎokuài móguāng suìpiàn
Large Brilliant Shard 大块魔光碎片 dàkuài móguāng suìpiàn
Small prismatic shard 小块棱光碎片 xiǎokuài léngguāng suìpiàn
Large prismatic shard 大块棱光碎片 dàkuài léngguāng suìpiàn
Small dream shard 小块梦境碎片 xiǎokuài mèngjìng suìpiàn
Large dream shard 大块梦境碎片 dàkuài mèngjìng suìpiàn

Purple items
Nexus Crystal 连结水晶 liánjié shuǐjīng
Void crystal 虚空水晶 xūkōng shuǐjīng
Abyss crystal 深渊水晶 shēnyuān shuǐjīng

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Name: Biceps

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 13 Jan 2007 - 14:14  #
初级法力药水 chūjí fǎlì yàoshuǐ Minor mana potion (lvl 5)
次级法力药水 cìjí fǎlì yàoshuǐ Lesser mana potion (lvl 14)
法力药水 fǎlì yàoshuǐ Mana potion (lvl 22)
强效法力药水 qiángxiào fǎlì yàoshuǐ Greater mana potion (lvl 31)
超强法力药水 chāoqiáng fǎlì yàoshuǐ Superior mana potion (lvl 41)
特效法力药水 tèxiào fǎlì yàoshuǐ Major mana potion (lvl 49)

初级治疗药水 chūjí zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Minor healing potion (lvl 5)
次级治疗药水 cìjí zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Lesser healing potion (lvl 14)
治疗药水 zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Healing potion (lvl 22)
强效治疗药水 qiángxiào zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Greater healing potion (lvl 31)
超强治疗药水 chāoqiáng zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Superior healing potion (lvl 41)
特效治疗药水 tèxiào zhìliáo yàoshuǐ Major healing potion (lvl 49)

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Name: Biceps

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 13 Jan 2007 - 14:16  #
体质圣典 tǐzhì shèngdiǎn Libram of Constitution
专注圣典 zhuānzhù shèngdiǎn Libram of Focus
防护圣典 fáng hù shèngdiǎn Libram of Protection
急速圣典 jísù shèngdiǎn Libram of Rapidity
恢复圣典 huīfù shèngdiǎn Libram of Resilience
沉思圣典 chénsī shèngdiǎn Libram of Rumination
坚韧圣典 jiān rèn shèngdiǎn Libram of Tenacity
贪婪圣典 tānlán shèngdiǎn Libram of Voracity

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Name: Biceps

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 24 Jan 2007 - 3:51  #

Herbalism 草药 cǎoyào

Peacebloom 宁神花 níngshénhuā
Silverleaf 银叶草 yínyècǎo
Bloodthistle 血蓟 xuèjì
Earthroot 地根草 dìgēncǎo
Mageroyal 魔皇草 móhuángcǎo
Swiftthistle 雨燕草 yǔyàncǎo
Briarthorn 石南草 shínáncǎo
Bruiseweed 跌打草 diēdǎcǎo
Stranglekelp 荆棘藻 jīngjízǎo
Grave moss 墓地苔 mùdì tái
Wild steelbloom 野钢花 yěgānghuā
Kingsblood 皇血草 huángxuècǎo
Liferoot 活根草 huógēncǎo
Fadeleaf 枯叶草 kūyècǎo
Goldthorn 金棘草 jīnjícǎo
Khadgar's whisker 卡德加的胡须 kǎdé jiāde húxū
Dragon's teeth (fomerly Wintersbite) 冬刺草 dōngcìcǎo
Firebloom 火焰花 huǒyànhuā
Purple lotus 紫莲花 zǐliánhuā
Wildvine 野葡萄藤 yěpú táoténg
Arthas'tears 阿尔萨斯之泪 āěr sàsī zhīlèi
Sungrass 太阳草 tàiyángcǎo
Blindweed 盲目草 mángmùcǎo
Ghost mushroom 幽灵菇 yōulínggū
Gromsblood 格罗姆之血 géluómǔ zhīxuè
Golden sansam 黄金参 huángjīncān
Dreamfoil 梦叶草 mèngyècǎo
Icecap 冰盖草 bīnggài cǎo
Mountain silversage 山鼠草 shānshǔcǎo
Sorrowmoss (formerly Plaguebloom) 瘟疫花 wēnyìhuā
Black lotus 黑莲花 hēiliánhuā
Felweed 魔草 mó cǎo
Dreaming glory 梦露花 mènglù huā
Ragveil 邪雾草 xiéwù cǎo
Terocone 泰罗果 tàiluó guǒ
Flame cap 烈焰菇 lièyàn gū
Ancient lichen 远古苔 yuǎngǔ tái
Netherbloom 虚空花 xūkōng huā
Netherdust bush
Nightmare vine 噩梦藤 èmèng téng
Mana thistle 法力蓟 fǎlì jì
Fel lotus 魔莲花 mó liánhuā
Goldclover 金苜蓿 jīn mùxu
Fire leaf
Tiger lily 卷丹草 juǎndān cǎo
Talandra's rose 泰兰达玫瑰 tàilándá méigui
Frozen herb
Adder's tongue 蛇信草 shéxìn cǎo
Deadnettle 死亡荨麻 sǐwáng qiánmá
Lich bloom 巫妖花 wūyāo huā
Ice thorn 冰棘草 bīngcǎo
Frost lotus 冰莲花 bīng liánhuā
Azshara's veil
Twilight jasmine
Green Tea Leaf
Rain Poppy
Golden Lotus
Snow Lily
Sha-Touched Herb
Fool's Cap

Whispervine 轻吟藤 qīngyín téng

Last edited by Krokro on Wed 1 May 2013 - 17:00; edited 1 time in total

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 24 Jan 2007 - 10:00  #
Alchemy additional components
黑口鱼 hēikǒuyú Oily blackmouth/Bouche-noire huileux
黑口鱼油 hēikǒu yúyóu Blackmouth oil/Huile de bouche-noire
火鳞鳝鱼 huǒlín shànyú Firefin snapper/Lutjan de nagefeu
火焰之油 huǒyàn zhīyóu Fire oil
烈性朗姆酒 lièxìng lǎngmǔjiǔ Volatile rum/Rhum explosif
黑色硫酸盐 hēisè liúsuānyán Black vitriol/Vitriol noir
墓地苔 mùdìtái Grave moss/Tombeline
石鳞鳗 shílínmán Stonescale eel/Anguille pierre-ecaille
石鳞鱼油 shílín yúyóu Stonescale oil/Huile de pierre-ecaille
野性之心 yěxìng zhīxīn Heart of the wild/Coeur de fauve

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 24 Jan 2007 - 10:05  #
地精火箭燃油 dìjīng huǒjiàn rányóu Goblin rocket fuel/Carburant de fusee des gobelins
幻象染料 huànxiàng rǎnliào Ghost dye/Teinture fantome
秘银马刺 mìyín mǎcì Mithril spurs/eperons en mithril
秘银盾刺 mìyín dùncì Mithril shield spike/Pointe de bouclier en mithril
钢质武器链 gāngzhì wǔqìliàn Steel waepon chain/Dragonne en acier
秘银杆 mìyíngǎn Inlaid mithril cylinder/Cylindre en mithril
石中盐 shízhōngyán Deeprock salt
精炼石中盐 jīngliàn shízhōngyán Refined deeprock salt

Skeleton Keys
白银万能钥匙 báiyín wànnéng yàoshi Silver skeleton key
黄金万能钥匙 huángjīn wànnéng yàoshi Golden skeleton key
真银万能钥匙 zhēnyín wànnéng yàoshi Truesilver skeleton key
奥金万能钥匙 àojīn wànnéng yàoshi Arcanite skeleton key

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeFri 9 Mar 2007 - 14:34  #
From Heal

Battle Shout - 战斗怒吼(zhan dou nu hou)
Taunt - 嘲讽(chao feng)
Charge - 冲锋(chong feng)
Sunder Armor - 破甲(po jia)
Shield Bash - 盾猛(dun meng)
Disarm - 缴械(jiao xie)
Excute - 斩杀(zhan sha)
Shield Wall - 盾墙(dun qiang)
Mortal Strike - 致死打击(zhi si da ji)

Blessing of Salvation(BOS) -拯救(zheng jiu)
Blessing of Might(BOM) -力量(li liang)
Blessing of Wisdom(BOW) -智慧(zhi hui)
Blessing of Sanctuary -庇护(bi hu)
Blessing of Light(BOL) -光明(guang ming)
Blessing of Kings(BOK) -王者(wang zhe)
Blessing of Sacrifice - 牺牲(xi sheng)
Revive -复活(fu huo)
Fire Resistance Aura -火抗光环(huo kang guang huan)
Frost Resistance Aura -冰抗光环(bing kang guang huan)
Shadow Resistance Aura -暗抗光环(an kang guang huan)
Devotion Aura -防御光环(fang yu guang huan)
Divine Intervention -干涉(gan she)
Dispel -解魔法(jie mo fa)
Retribution aura - 惩戒光环(cheng jie guang huan)
Sanctity aura - 圣洁光环(sheng jie guang huan)
Consecration - 奉献(feng xian)

Mark - 标记(biao ji)
Feign Death - 假死(jia si)
Pull - 拉怪(la guai)
kite - 放风筝(fang feng zheng)
tranquilizing shot - 宁神(ning shen)
Trueshot aura - 强击光环(qiang ji guang huan)
Aspect of the wild - 野性守护(ye xing shou hu)
Frots Trap - 冰霜陷阱(bing shuang xian jing)
Freezing Trap - 冰冻陷阱(bing dong xian jing)
Volley - 乱射(luan she)

Stun - 击昏(ji hun)
Evasion - 闪避(shan bi)
Blind - 致盲(zhi mang)
Kick - 脚踢(jiao ti)
Vanish - 消失(xiao shi)
Feint - 佯攻(yang gong)

Innervate - 激活(ji huo)
Rebirth - 战斗复活(zhan dou fu huo)
Abolish poison - 解毒(jie du)
Abolish curse - 解诅咒(jie zu zhou)
Mark/gift of the wild - 野性印记(ye xing yin ji)
Hurricane - 飓风(ju feng)
Tranquility - 宁静(ning jing)

Banish - 放逐(fang zhu)
Imp - 小鬼(xiao gui)
HealthStone - 糖(tang) and yes, its official name is 治疗石(but people prefer to call it candy ^^)
Summon - 拉人(la ren)
Fear - 恐惧(kong ju)
Soulstone - 绑灵魂(bang ling hun)
Curse of Element(CoE) - 元素诅咒(yuan su zu zhou)
Curse of Shadow(CoS) - 暗影诅咒(an ying zu zhou)
Curse of Agony(CoA) - 痛苦诅咒(tong ku zu zhou)
Curse of Weakness(CoW) - 虚弱诅咒(xu ruo zu zhou)
Curse of Tongues(CoT) - 语言诅咒 (yu yan zu zhou)
Curse of Recklessness - 鲁莽诅咒 (lu mang zu zhou)
Rain of Fire - 火雨(huo yu)
Hellfire - 自焚(zi fen)
Drain Mana - 吸取魔法(xi qu mo fa)
Drain Soul - 吸取灵魂(xi qu ling hun)
Soul shard - 灵魂碎片(ling hun sui pian)
Howl of Terror - 群体恐惧(qun ti kong ju)
Life Tap -生命分流(sheng ming fen liu)

Revive - 复活(fu huo)
Shield - 加盾(jia dun)
Fear - 恐惧(kong ju)
Fade - 渐隐(jian yin)
Shackle - 锁亡灵(suo wang ling)
Mind Control - 心灵控制(xin ling kong zhi)
Dispel - 驱散魔法(qu san mo fa)
Abolish Disease - 解除疾病(jie chu ji bing)
AE Healing - 群加(qun jia)
Shadow Protection - 加暗抗(jia an kang)
Mana Burn -烧魔法(shao mo fa)
Fortitude -耐力(nai li)
Renew - 恢复(hui fu)

food and water - 水和食物(shui he shi wu)
Polymorgh/sheep - 变羊(bian yang)
Ice Barrier Pull - 冰箱拉怪(bing xiang la guai)
Blizzard - 暴风雪(bao feng xue)
Nova - 冰环(bing huan)
Intellect - 加智力(jia zhi li)
Amplify magic - 法术增幅(fa shu zeng fu)
Dampen magic - 法术抑制(fa shu yi zhi)
Remove curse - 解除诅咒(jie chu zu zhou)

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Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 14 Apr 2007 - 12:20  #
Hey Heal,
Could we get the signs and the pinyin for BG as well?

Arathi' Basin 阿拉希 盆地 ālāxī péndì - Bassin d'Arathi
Alterac Valley 奥特兰克 谷 àotèlánkè gǔ - Vallée d'Alterac
Eye of the Storm - 风暴之眼 fēngbào zhī yǎn - L'oeil du Cyclone
Warsong Gulch 战歌 峡谷 zhàngē xiágǔ - Goulet des Warsong

Tunnel (when running WSG):
Baser (how many bases you got in AB):

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeFri 8 Jun 2007 - 12:49  #
Oh, of course!

My account was stolen, and I stopped playing my priest since that time. Sorry for not showing up, I guess we can already raid some instances?

Here are the signs and pinyin for BGs.

Arathi' Basin - 阿拉希 盆地 (a la xi pen di) - ALX
Alterac Valley 奥特兰克山谷 (ao te lan ke shan du)- AV
Warsong Gulch 战歌 峡谷 (zhan ge xia gu) - ZG

Blacksmith: 铁匠铺(tie jiang pu) - TJ
Farm: 农场(nong chang) - NC
Mine: 矿洞(kuang dong) - KD
Lumbermill: 伐木场(fa mu chang) - FM
Stables: 兽栏(shou lan) - SL
Flag: 旗子(qi zi)
Graveyard: 墓地(mu di)
Tunnel (when running WSG): I can't remember a special name for it.
Baser (how many bases you got in AB):
Usually we call each Baser as "Spot". In Chinese, it will be 点(dian)

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeFri 8 Jun 2007 - 13:44  #
I usually see the followings:

Blacksmith 铁
Farm 农
Mine 矿
Lumbermill 木
Stables 兽

Tunnel 隧道

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSun 9 Sep 2007 - 19:20  #
what is the chinese for Aldor / scryer please

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 10 Sep 2007 - 6:32  #
奥尔德 = Aldor
斯格尔斯 = Scryers

Please dont ask me the pinyin. I usually copy paste those things into my WoW and have a mod inside WoW for glossary terms to pick from in english and writes automatic in chinese (own creation .. ^^).

For a quick fix, of words (like this) i suggest, you just type:
Aldor Scryers
in google, go to advanced search, and say "only return results in simplified chinese"
then you will probably find what you need (yet still dont know how to write in pinyin Sad )

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 10 Sep 2007 - 15:42  #
cheers nak, hanzi is good..just needed to i can be postive i choose the right faction on the quest log in shatt city..otherwise will take me along time and effort to change factions

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 1 Oct 2007 - 20:11  #
hey guys
you know i spend more time looking at the hanzi in the post than i do playing WOW heh.

im having a problem with
Tempest Keep 风暴要塞 fēngbào yàosài Donjon de la tempête 70
=>The Mechanar 机修大厅 jīxiū dàtīng - Le Méchanar 70
=>The Botanica 植物园 zhíwùyuán - La Botanica 70
=>The Arcatraz 拱廊区 gǒngláng qū - l'Arcatraz 70
=>Eye of the Storm - 风暴之眼 fēngbào zhī yǎn - L'oeil du Cyclone PVP

when you look at LFG tool these arent similiar..and i never see people using these hanzi for mech,botan especially...

is my reading just terrible? or is their a mistake?
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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 1 Oct 2007 - 20:50  #
could be a mistake. I've done the translations months ago, before BC was out. Might have had some changes since. I'd be glad if you gave them to me by the way ^^.

I've also seen that Rogue has a different name in Chinese now. SO yeah, definitively, they've changed the names.

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 3 Oct 2007 - 15:39  #
能源舰 (The Mechanaar) 70-72
生态船 (The Botanica) 70-72
禁魔监狱 (The Arcatraz)

can find translation at

thanks nak for telling me

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 6 Oct 2007 - 9:47  #
if you want to know the names of dungeons and zones etc. you can find it here there is pretty much everything you will need to know [/url]

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeFri 8 Feb 2008 - 11:49  #
Hey all,

recently back in the game, I have extended some of the missing translations of my personal lexicon; if you need:

Equipment descriptions:
等级 level (understand “rating”)
防御 defense
命中 hit
爆击 critical strike
法书 spell
伤害 damage
攻击强度 attack power (although just referred to as 强度 on character sheet)
格挡值 block value
韧性 resilience
躲闪攻击 (hit avoidance)

Ex: spell critical strike rating 法书爆击等级
Block rating 盾牌格挡等级
Block value 盾牌格挡值

Magical resistance and spell damage
抗性 resistance
伤害 damage
奥术 arcane
火焰 fire
自然 nature
冰霜 frost
暗影 shadow
神圣 holy

Mob type:
人类生物 Humanoid
野兽 Beast
亡灵 Undead
恶魔 Demon
元素生物 Elemental
巨人 Giant
龙类 Dragonkin
机械 Mechanical
小动物 Critter

In-fight quotes:
抵抗 resist
招架 parry
躲闪 dodge
格挡 block
未击中 miss
免疫 insensible

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Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 27 May 2008 - 11:20  #
this topic is really useful but if you could give the pinyin for every word it would be better.

Just one other point you always refer to alliance as lianming 联明 but for me it s lianmeng 联盟 i don t understand who is right or wrong.
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 28 May 2008 - 2:00  #
you should check out the small glossary website made for the occasion. It has hanzi, pinyin and English for many stuffs of the game:

If you have any suggestion on its content by the way, I'd be glad to update it.

And it's 联盟liánméng, it's a mistake here, but it's corrected on the website.

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 2 Jun 2008 - 11:29  #
the glossary is very good but some classes are empty with not a single skill, is that because it's still in progress?

I've checked very quilckly for the rogue's class, you should add the following skills: sap, poisons, stealth.

When i got more time i will make a complete check up and make more suggestions if any.

By the way, thank you for all the good work done on this, it's a great help for a player like me whose chinese is a bit rusted
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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 2 Jun 2008 - 15:28  #
Yeah, they're kinda in progress. But since I stopped playing a bit, and didn't know all the classes and skills, it was hard to translate everything without others people's help.

If you make me a list, I'l update everything, no problem.

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeMon 2 Jun 2008 - 18:58  #
ok i will prepare translation for skills

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008 - 1:15  #
recently connecting back and finding some important translations are missing, here are some:

灵纹布 Netherweave Cloth (灵纹布卷 Bolt of...)(魔化灵纹布卷 Bolt of Imbued ...)
原始月布 Primal Mooncloth
魔法布 Spellcloth

火焰微粒 Mote of Fire
土之微粒 Mote of Earth
空气微粒 Mote of Air
水之微粒 Mote of Water
法力微粒 Mote of Mana
生命微粒 Mote of Life
暗影微粒 Mote of Shadow

源生火焰 Primal Fire
源生大地 Primal Earth
源生空气 Primal Air
源生之水 Primal Water
源生法力 Primal Mana
源生生命 Primal Life
源生暗影 Primal Shadow

源生虚空 Primal Nether
源生之能 Primal Might
太阳之尘 Sunmote
虚空漩涡 Nether Vortex
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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008 - 13:47  #

What's up? So nice to see that the old ones are coming back one by one!

Thanks for the update, I'll add them to the website this weekend (wonder if many people go there but I'll do it anyway).

Are you playing again?

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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008 - 14:39  #
hey Glob Smile

yeah nice to see you too Smile i've just stopped my last job and im seriously thinking of getting back to France.
However I have some free time now so i'm got back to my last paladin (and realised i still have 3500G and 22000 mins to go haha).
A long time out of the game and probably not for a long time, i'm just connecting to make a few gold more and have better 装备 (well its probably the main goal of any other player anyway Razz )

if anyone is on Shanghai 1 - 卡扎克, please feel free to whisp cheers

I saw you have revamped the forum recently, I'm not sure I clearly understand all the changes but I bet you got your reasons, so well done! Glossary - English - Chinese Bounce Glossary - English - Chinese Bounce Glossary - English - Chinese Bounce

PS: i was working on more end-game translations this morning but the computers in the 网吧 are kind of shitty so IE is too instable (I have deleted the game from my home laptop a long time ago now...)

cya around!
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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeThu 18 Sep 2008 - 16:55  #
going back? hehe, isn't it what we all do eventually? I'm still playing from France and it's fine for me. Weirdal is back on the track too, so we play together more.

Yeah, I changed the forum cause there were too many things not updated (more guilds and areas) and it was becoming too messy and too hard to find information. I hope it's better this way.

Hope to play with you again soon!
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  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:30  #
Jewelcrafting 宝石系统 bǎoshí xìtǒng
gem 宝石 bǎoshí
socket 插槽 chācáo
meta gem 变换宝石 biànhuàn bǎoshí
red 红色 hóngsè
yellow 黄色 huángsè
blue 蓝色 lánsè
orange 橙色 chéngsè
green 绿色 lǜsè
purple 觜色 zīsè

delicate 精致 jīngzhì
teardrop 泪珠 lèizhū
bold 朴素 pǔsù
runed 符文 fúwén
bright 明亮 míngliàng
gleaming 柔光 róuguāng
smooth 圆润 yuánrùn
brilliant 闪耀 shǎnyào
great 巨型 jùxíng
rigid 刚硬 gāngyìng
mystic 秘法 mìfǎ
quick 迅捷 xùnjié
solid 致密 zhìmì
sparkling 火花 huǒhuā
lustrous 异彩 yìcǎi
stormy 风暴 fēngbào
inscribed 铭文 míngwén
glinting 反光 fǎnguāng
potent 高能 gāonéng
wicked 邪恶 xié'è
luminous 辉光 huīguāng
reckless 鲁莽 lǔmǎng
unstable 不稳定 bù wěndìng
jagged 锯齿 jùchǐ
enduring 坚硬 jiānyìng
dazzling 眩光 xuànguāng
radiant 辐光 fúguāng
steady 稳固 wěngù
forceful 坚强 jiānqiáng
sovereign 统御 tǒngyù
shifting 狡诈 jiǎozhà
glowing 炽热 chìrè
balanced 平衡 pínghéng
royal 皇家 huángjiā
infused 充能 chōngnéng
purified 纯净 chúnjìng
regal 华丽 huálì

Inscription 铭文 míngwén
glyph 雕文 diāowén
light parchment 薄羊皮纸 báo yángpízhǐ
common parchment 普通羊皮纸 pǔtōng yángpízhǐ
heavy parchment 厚羊皮纸 hòu yángpízhǐ
resilient parchement 韧羊皮纸 rèn yángpízhǐ
Bleached Parchment 漂白羊皮纸 piǎobái yángpízhǐ

ink 墨水 mòshuǐ
ivory ink 象牙墨水 xiàngyá mòshuǐ
moonglow ink 月光墨水 yuèguāng mòshuǐ
midnight ink 午夜墨水 wǔyè mòshuǐ
hunter's ink 猎者墨水 liézhě mòshuǐ
dawnstar ink 晨星墨水 chénxīng mòshuǐ
jadefire ink 玉火墨水 yùhuǒ mòshuǐ
royal ink 皇家墨水 huángjiā mòshuǐ
celestial ink 天空墨水 tiānkōng mòshuǐ
fiery ink 烈火墨水 lièhuǒ mòshuǐ
shimmering ink 闪烁墨水 shǎnshuò mòshuǐ
ink of the sky 天空之墨 tiānkōng zhī shuǐ
ethereal ink 虚灵墨水 xūlíng mòshuǐ
darkflame ink 暗焰墨水 ànyàn mòshuǐ
ink of the sea 海洋之墨 hǎiyáng zhī shuǐ
snowfall ink 落雪墨水 luòxuě mòshuǐ

pigment 药渣 yàozhā
alabaster pigment 雪白草渣 xuěbái cǎozhā
dusky pigment 黑色草渣 hēisè cǎozhā
verdant pigment 翠绿草渣 cuìlǜ cǎozhā
golden pigment 金色草渣 jīnsè cǎozhā
burnt pigment 燃烧草渣 ránshāo cǎozhā
emerald pigment 翡翠草渣 fěicuì cǎozhā
indigo pigment 靛蓝草渣 diànlán cǎozhā
violet pigment 紫色草渣 zǐsè cǎozhā
ruby pigment 宝石红草渣 bǎoshíhóng cǎozhā
silvery pigment 银色草渣 yínsè cǎozhā
sapphire pigment 宝石蓝草渣 bǎoshílán cǎozhā
nether pigment 虚空草渣 xūkōng cǎozhā
ebon pigment 乌木草渣 wūmù cǎozhā
azure pigment 天蓝草渣 tiānlán cǎozhā
icy pigment

First Aid 急救 jijiù
bandage 绷带 bēngdài
anti-venom 抗毒药剂 kàngdú yàojì
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:39  #
Reputation 声望 shēngwàng

Exalted: 1000 崇拜 chóngbài
Revered: 21000 崇敬 chóngjìng
Honored: 12000 尊敬 zūnjìng
Friendly: 6000 友善 yǒushàn
Neutral: 3000 中立 zhōnglì
Unfriendly: 3000 冷漠 lěngmò
Hostile: 3000 敌对 díduì
Hated: 36000 仇恨 chóuhèn

Darnassus 达纳苏斯 dānàsūsī
Gnomeragan Exiles 诺莫瑞根流亡者 nuòmòruìgēn liúwángzhě
Ironforge 铁炉堡 tiělú bǎo
Stormwind 暴风城 bàofēng chéng
Exodar 埃索达 āisuǒdá

Pvp Alliance
League Of Arathor 阿拉索联军正 ālāsuǒ liánjūnzhèng
Silverwing Sentinels 银翼哨兵 yínyì shàobīng
Stormpike Guard 雷矛卫队 léimáo wèiduì

Darkspear Trolls 暗矛食人妖 ànmáo shírényāo
Orgrimmar 奥格瑞玛 àogéruìmǎ
Thunder Buff 雷霆崖 léitíng yá
Undercity 幽暗城 yōu'àn chéng
Silvermoon 银月城 yínyuè chéng

Pvp Horde
Defilers 亵渎者 xièdúzhě
Frostwolf Clan 霜狼氏族 shuāngláng shìzú
Warsong Outsiders

Steamwheedle Cartel 热砂港 rèshāgǎng
Booty Bay 藏宝海湾 cángbǎohǎiwān
Everlook 永望镇 yǒngwàngzhèn
Gadgetzan 加基森 jiājīsēn
Ratchet 棘齿城 jíchǐ chéng

Cenarion Expedition 塞纳里奥远征队 sāinàlǐào yuǎnzhēngduì
Honor Hold 荣耀堡 róngyào bǎo
Kurenai 库雷尼 kùléiní
Mag'Har 玛格汉 mǎgéhàn
Thrallmar 萨尔玛 sàěrmǎ
Ogri'La 奥格里拉 àogélǐlā
Netherwing 虚空之翼 xūkōng zhī yì
Sporeggar 斯博尔加 sībóěrjiā
The Consortium 星界财团 xīngjiè cáituán
Lower City 贫民窟 pínmínkū
Sha'Tari Skyguard 沙塔空卫队 wèiduì
Shattered Sun Offensive
The Aldor 奥尔多 àoěrduō
The Scryers 占星者 zhānxīngzhě
The Sha'Tar 沙塔尔 shātǎěr

Argent Crusade 银色十字军 yínsè shízìjūn
Explorer'S League 探险家协会 tànxiǎnjiā xiéhuì
Frenzyheart Tribe 狂心部族 kuángxīn bùzú
The Frostborn 冰裔 bīngyì
The Hand Of Vengeance 复仇之手 fùchóu zhī shǒu
The Taunka 牦牛人 máoniúrén
Warsong Offensive 战歌军团 zhàngē jūntuán
The Kalu'Ak 海象人 hǎixiàngrén
The Oracles 神谕鱼人 shényù yúrén
The Sons Of Hodir 侯迪尔的子嗣 hóudíěr de zǐsì
Valiance Expedition 勇毅远征军 yǒngyì yuǎnzhēngjūn
The Wyrmest Accord
Kirin Tor 肯瑞托 kěnruìtuō
The Silver Covenant 白银誓盟 báiyín shìméng
The Sunreavers 裂日者 lièrìzhě

Ashtongue Deathworn
Brood Of Nozdormu 诺兹多姆的子嗣 nuòzīduōmǔ de zǐsì
Cenarion Circle 塞纳里奥议会 sāinàlǐào yìhuì
Hydraxian Waterlord 海达希亚水元素 hǎidáxīyà shuǐyuánsù
Scale Of The Sands 流沙之鳞 liúshā zhī lín
Zandalar Tribe 贊達拉部族 zàndálā bùzú

Argent Dawn 银色黎明 yínsè límíng
Bloodsail Buccaneers 血帆海盗 xuèfān hǎidào
Darkmoon Faire 暗月马戏团 ànyuè mǎxìtuán
Gelkis Clan Centaur 吉尔吉斯半人马 jíěrjísī bànrénmǎ
Keepers Of Time 时之守护者 shí zhī shǒuhùzhě
Knights Of The Ebon Blade 黑锋骑士团 hēifēngqíshìtuán
Magram Clan Centaur 玛格拉姆半人马 mǎgélāmǔ bànrénmǎ
Shen'Dralar 辛德拉 xīndélā
Thorium Brotherhood 瑟银兄弟会 sèyín xiōngdìhuì
Timbermaw Hold 木喉要塞 mùhóu yàosài
The Violet Eye 紫罗兰之眼 zǐluólán zhī yǎn
Wintersaber Trainers 冬刃豹训练师, dōngrènbào xùnliànshī
Tranquillien 鬼魅之地 guǐmèi zhīdì
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:50  #
Death Knight 死亡骑士 sǐwáng qíshì
Runeforging 符文 fúwén

Blood 鲜血 xiānxuè
Blood Tap 鲜血分流 xiānxuè fēnliú
Strangulate 绞杀 jiǎoshā
Blood Strike 鲜血打击 xiānxuè dǎjī
Blood Oil 血沸 xuèfèi
Death Pact 死亡契约 sǐwáng qìyuē
Blood Presence 鲜血灵气 xiānxuè língqì
Pestilence 传染 chuánrǎn
Hysteria 狂乱 kuángluàn
Vampiric Blood 吸血鬼之血 xīxuèguǐ zhī xuè
Heart Strike 心脏打击 xīnzàng dǎjī
Dancing Rune Weapon 符文剑舞 fúwén jiànwǔ
Mark Of Blood 鲜血印记 xiānxuè yìnjì
Rune Tap 符文分流 fúwén fēnliú

Frost 冰霜 bīngshuāng
Chains Of Ice 冰霜之链 bīngshuāng
Icy Touch 冰冷触摸 bīnglěng
Empower Rune Weapon 符文武器增效 fúwén wǔqì zēngxiào
Mind Freeze 思维冻结 sīwéi dòngjié
Frost Presence 冰霜灵气 bīngshuāng língqì
Icebound Fortitude 冰封之韧 bīngfēng zhī rèn
Deathchill 冰冷气息 bīnglěng qìxī
Obliterate 湮没 yānmò
Lichborne 尸化 shīhuà
Howling Blast 尖啸冲击 jiānxiào chōngjī
Unbreakable Armor 无敌护甲 wúdí hùjiǎ
Frost Strike 冰霜打击 bīngshuāng dǎjī
Hungering Cold 饥饿之寒 jī'è zhī hán
Frost 冰霜 bīngshuāng
Rune Strike 符文打击 dǎjī
Path Of Frost 冰霜之路 bīngshuāng zhī lù
凛风冲击 lǐnfēng chōngjī
寒冬号角 hándōng hàojiǎo

Unholy 邪恶 xié'è
Army Of The Dead 亡者大军 wángzhě dàjūn
Death And Decay 死亡凋零 sǐwáng diāolíng
Plague Strike 瘟疫打击 wēnyì dǎjī
Raise Dead 亡者复生 wángzhě fùshēng
Death Coil 死亡缠绕 sǐwáng chánrào
Unholy Presence 邪恶灵气 xié'è língqì
Anti-Magic Spell 反魔法 fǎnmófǎ
Acherus Deathcharger 阿彻鲁斯死亡战马 āchèlǔsī sǐwáng zhànmǎ
Unholy Blight 邪恶虫群 xié'è chóng qún
Death Grip 死亡之握 sǐwáng zhī wò
Anti-Magic Zone 反魔法护罩 fǎnmófǎ hùzhào
Death Strike 死亡打击 sǐwáng dǎjī
Corpse Explosion 尸体爆炸 shītǐ bàozhà
Summon Gargoyle 召唤石像鬼 zhàohuàn shíxiàngguǐ
Bone Shield 骨盾 gǔdùn
Scourge Strike 天灾打击 tiānzāi dǎjī
Death Gate 死亡之门 sǐwáng zhī mén

Druid 德鲁伊 délǔyī
Balance Spells 平衡 pínghéng
Barkskin 树皮术 shùpí shù
Cyclone 飓风术 jùfēng shù
Entangling Roots 纠缠根须 jiūchán gēnxū
Faerie Fire 精灵之火 jīnglíng zhī huǒ
Force Of Nature 自然之力 zìrán zhī lì
Hibernate 休眠 xiūmián
Hurricane 飓风 jùfēng
Innervate 激活 jīhuó
Insect Swarn 虫群 chóng qún
Moonfire 月火术 yuèhuǒ
Moonkin Aura
Moonkin Form 枭兽形态 xiāoshòu xíngtài
Nature'S Grasp 自然之握 zìrán zhī wò
Soothe Animal 安抚动物 ānfǔ dòngwù
Starfire 星火术 xīnghuǒ
Teleport: Moonglade 传送:月光林地 chuánsòng : yuèguāng líndì
Thorn 荆棘 jīngjí
Wrath 自然之怒 zìrán zhī nù

Restoration Spells 恢复 huīfù
Abolish Poison 解毒 jiědú
Cure Poison 消毒术 xiāodú shù
Gift Of The Wild 野性赐福 yěxìng cìfú
Healing Touch 自然之触 zìrán zhī chù
Lifebloom 生命绽放 shēngmìng zhànfàng
Mark Of The Wild 野性印记 yěxìng yìnjì
Omen Of Clarity 清晰预兆 qīngxī yùzhào
Rebirth 重生 chóngshēng
Regrowth 愈合 yùhé
Rejuvenation 回春术 huíchūn shù
Remove Curse 解除诅咒 jiěchú zǔzhòu
Tranquility 宁静 níngjìng
Tree Of Life Form 生命之树 shēngmìng zhī shù
Wild Growth

Feral Combat Spells 野性战斗 yěxìng zhàndòu
Aquatic Form 水生形态 shuǐshēng xíngtài
Bash 猛击 měngjī
Bear Form 熊形态 xióng xíngtài
Cat Form 猫形态 xíngtài
Challenging Roar 挑衅怒吼 tiǎoxìnnù hǒu
Claw 爪击 zhǎojī
Cower 畏缩 wèisuō
Dash 急奔 jíbēn
Demoralizing Roar 挫士之吼 cuòshì zhī hǒu
Dire Bear Form 巨熊形态 jùxióng xíngtài
Enrage 激怒 jīnù
Faerie Fire 精灵之火 jīnglíng zhī huǒ
Feline Grace 豹之优雅 bào zhī yōuyǎ
Ferocious Bite 凶猛撕咬 xiōngměng sīyǎo
Flight Form 飞行形态 fēixíng xíngtài
Frenzied Regeneration 狂暴恢复 kuángbào huīfù
Growl 咆哮 páoxiào
Lacerate 割伤 gēshāng
Maim 割碎 gēsuì
Mangle 裂伤 lièshāng
Maul 槌击 chuíjī
Pounce 突袭 tūxí
Pounce Bleed 血袭 xuètū
Prowl 巡游 xúnyóu
Rake 横扫 héngsǎo
Ravage 毁灭 huǐmiè
Rip 割裂 gēliè
Savage Roar
Shred 撕碎 sīsuì
Survival Instinct
Swift Flight Form 迅捷飞行形态 xùnjié fēixíng xíngtài
Swipe 重击 zhòngjī
Tiger'S Fury 虎之怒 hǔ zhī nù
Track Humanoids 追踪人型生物 zhuīzōng rénxíng shēngwù
Travel Form 旅行形态 lǚxíng xíngtài

Hunter 猎人 lièrén
Beast mastery 野兽控制 yěshòu kòngzhì
Aspect of the beast 野兽守护 yěshòu shǒuhù
Aspect of the cheetah 猎豹守护 lièbào shǒuhù
Aspect of the hawk 雄鹰守护 xióngyīng shǒuhù
Aspect of the monkey 强化灵猴守护 qiánghuàlínghóu shǒuhù
Aspect of the pack 豹群守护 bàoqún shǒuhù
Aspect of the viper 蝰蛇守护 kuíshé shǒuhù
Aspect of the wild 野性守护 yěxìng shǒuhù
Beast lore 野兽知识 yěshòu zhīshi
Eagle eye 鹰眼 yīngyǎn
Eyes of the beast 野兽之眼 yěshòu zhī yǎn
Kill command 杀戮命令 shālù mìnglìng
Mend pet 治疗宠物 zhìliáo chǒngwù
Scare beast 恐吓野兽 kǒnghè yěshòu

Markmanship 射击 shèjī Aim shot 瞄准射击 miáozhǔn shèjī
Arcane shot 奥术射击 àoshù shèjī
Autoshot 自动射击 zìdòng shèjī
Concussive shot 震荡射击 zhèndàng shèjī
Distracting shot 转移射击 zhuǎnyí shèjī
Flare 闪光 shǎnguāng
Hunter's Mark 猎人标记 lièrén biāojì
Multishot 多重射击 duōchóng shèjī
Rapid fire 急速射击 jísù shèjī
Scatter shot 驱散射击 qūsàn shèjī
Scorpid sting 毒蝎之刺 dúxiē zhī cì
Serpent sting 毒蛇之刺 dúshé zhī cì
Steady shot 稳固射击 wěngù shèjī
Tranquilizing shot 宁神 níngshén
Trueshot aura 强击光环 qiángjī guānghuán
Vipper sting 蝰蛇之刺 kuíshé zhī cì
Volley 群射 qúnshè
Wyvern sting 翼龙钉刺 yìlóng zhī cì

Survival 生存技能 shēngcún jìnéng
Counterattack 反击 fǎnjī
Disengage 逃脱 táotuō
Explosive trap 爆炸陷阱 bàozhà xiànjǐng
Feign Death 假死 jiǎsǐ
Freezing arrow
Freezing Trap 冰冻陷阱 bīngdòng xiànjǐng
Frost Trap 冰霜陷阱 bīngshuāng xiànjǐng
Immolation trap 献祭陷阱 xiànjì xiànjǐng
Misdirection 误导 wùdǎo
Mongoosebite 猫鼬之咬 māoyòu zhī yǎo
Raptor strike 猛禽 měngqín
Snake trap 毒蛇陷阱 dúshé xiànjǐng
Track beast 追踪野兽 zhuīzōng yěshòu
Track demons 追踪恶魔 zhuīzōng èmó
Track dragonkin 追踪龙类 zhuīzōng lónglèi
Track elemental 追踪元素生物 zhuīzōng yuánsù shēngwù
Track giants 追踪巨人 zhuīzōng jùrén
Track hidden 追踪隐藏生物 zhuīzōng yǐncáng shēngwù
Track humanoids 追踪人型生物 zhuīzōng rénxíng shēngwù
Track undead 追踪亡灵 zhuīzōng wánglíng
Wing clip 摔拌 shuāi bàn

Mage 法师 fǎshīFire 火焰 huǒyàn
Blast Wave 冲击波 chōngjī bō
Combustion 燃烧 ránshāo
Dragon Breath 龙息术 lóngxī shù
Fireball 火球术 huǒqiú shù
Fireblast 火焰冲击 huǒyàn chōngjī
Fireward 防护火焰结界 fánghù huǒyàn jiéjiè
Flamestrike 烈焰风暴 lièyàn fēngbào
Frostfire Bolt
Living Bomb
Molten Armor 熔岩护甲 róngyán hùjiǎ
Pyroblast 炎爆术 yánbào shù
Scorch 灼烧 zhuóshāo

Frost 冰霜 bīngshuāng
Blizzard 暴风雪 bàofēngxuě
Cone Of Cold 冰锥术 bīngzhuī shù
Deep Freeze
Frost Armor 霜甲术 shuāngjiǎ shù
Frost Bolt 寒冰箭 hánbīng jiàn
Frost Nova 冰霜新星 bīngshuāng xīnxīng
Frost Ward 防护冰霜结界 fánghù bīngshuāng jiéjiè
Ice Armor 冰甲术 bīngjiǎ shù
Ice Barrier 冰箱 bīngxiāng
Ice Block 寒冰屏障 hánbīng píngzhàng
Ice Lance 冰枪术 bīngqiāng shù
Icy Veins
Summon Water Elemental 召唤水元素 zhàohuàn shuǐ yuánsù

Arcane 奥术 ào shù
Amplify Magic 魔法增效 mófǎ zēngxiào
Arcane Barrage
Arcane Blast 奥术冲击 àoshù chōngjī
Arcane Brilliance 奥术光辉 àoshù guānghuī
Arcane Explosion 魔爆术 móbào shù
Arcane Intellect 增智术 zēngzhì shù
Arcane Missiles 魔法飞弹 mófǎ fēidàn
Blink 闪现术 shǎnxiàn shù
Conjure Mana Gem 制造魔法黄水晶 zhìzào mófǎ huángshuǐjīng
Conjure Refreshment 造食术 zàoshí shù
Conjure Water 造水术 zàoshuǐ shù
Counterspell 反魔术 fǎnmó shù
Dampen Magic 魔法抑制 mófǎ yìzhì
Detect Magic 侦测魔法 zhēncè mófǎ
Focus Magic
Invisibility 隐形术 yǐnxíng shù
Mage Armor 法师护甲 fǎshī hùjiǎ
Mana Shield 法力护盾 fǎlì hùdùn
Mirror Image
Polymorph Sheep, Turtle, Pig 变形术 biànyáng shù
Portal Darnassus, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Exodar, Silvermoon, Shattrath, Theramore, Stonard, Dalaran 传送门 chuánsòng mén
Remove Curse 解除诅咒 jiěchú zǔzhòu
Ritual Of Refreshment
Slow Fall 缓降术 huǎnjiàng shù
Teleport Darnassus, Ironforge, Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Thunder Bluff, Undercity, Exodar, Silvermoon, Shattrath, Theramore, Stonard, Dalaran 心灵运输 xīnlíng yùnshū
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 15 Nov 2008 - 22:57  #
Paladin 圣骑士 shèngqíshì
Blessing of Sacrifice 牺牲 xīshēng
Blessing of Salvation 拯救 zhěngjiù
Dispel 解魔法 Jiě mófǎ
Revive 复活 fùhuó
Sanctity aura 圣洁光环 Shèngjié guānghuán

Retribution 惩戒 chéngjiè
Avenging wrath 复仇之怒 fùchóu zhī nù
Blessing of Might 力量祝福 lìliang zhùfú
Blood corruption
Crusader aura 十字军圣印 shízìjūn shèngyìn
Crusader strike 十字军打击 shízìjūn dǎjī
Divine storm
Eye of an eye
Hammer of Wrath 愤怒之锤 fènnù zhī chuí
Holy vengeance
Judgment of blood
Judgment of light 审判 shěnpàn
Judgment of the martyr
Judgment of veangeance
Repentance 忏悔 chànhuǐ
Retribution aura 惩戒光环 chéngjiè guānghuán
Seal of blood 鲜血圣印 shèngyìn
Seal of corruption
Seal of the martyr
Seal of vengeance 复仇圣印 fùchóu shèngyìn

protection 防护 fánghù
avenger's shield 复仇者之盾 fùchóuzhě zhī dùn
Blessing of Kings 王者祝福 wángzhě zhùfú
Blessing of Sanctuary 庇护祝福 bìhù zhùfú
Devotion Aura 虔诚光环 guānghuán
Divine Intervention 神圣干涉 shénshèng gānshè
Divine protection 圣佑术 shèngyòu shù
Divine shield 圣盾术 shèngdùn shù
Fire Resistance Aura 火焰抗性光环 huǒyàn dǐkàng guānghuán
Frost Resistance Aura 冰霜抗性光环 bīngshuāng dǐkàng guānghuán
Greater blessing of kings 强效王者祝福 qiángxiào zhùfú
Greater blessing of sanctuary 强效庇护祝福 qiángxiào zhùfú
Hammer of justice 制裁之锤 zhī chuí
Hammer of the righteous
Hand of freedom 自由祝福 zhùfú
Hand of protection 保护祝福 zhùfú
Hand of sacrifice 牺牲祝福 zhùfú
Hand of salvation 强效拯救祝福 qiángxiào zhùfú
Holy shield
Judgment of justice
Righteous defence 正义防御
Righteous fury 正义之怒 nù
Seal of justice 公正圣印 shèngyìn
Shadow Resistance Aura 暗抗光环 ànkàng guānghuán
Shield of righteousness
Spiritual attunement 灵魂协调 línghún

holy 神圣 shénshèng
Aura of light 圣洁光环 shèng
Beacon of light
Blessing of Light 光明祝福 guāngmíng zhùfú
Blessing of Wisdom 智慧祝福 zhìhuì zhùfú
Cleanse 清洁术 qīngjié shù
Concentration aura 专注光环 zhuānzhù guānghuán
Consecration 奉献 fèngxiàn
Divine plea
Exorcism 驱邪术 qūxié shù
Flash of light 圣光闪现 shèngguāng shǎnxiàn
Greater blessing of might 强效力量祝福 qiángxiào lìliang zhùfú
Greater blessing of wisdom 强效智慧祝福 qiángxiào zhìhuì zhùfú
Holy light 圣光术 shèngguāng shù
Holy shock 神圣震击 shénshèng zhènjī
Holy wrath 神圣愤怒 shénshèng fènnù
Judgment of light 正义光明 zhèngyì guāngmíng
Judgment of rightneousness 正义圣印 zhèngyì shèngyìn
Judgment of wisdom 正义智慧 zhèngyì zhìhuì
Lay on hands 圣疗术 shèngliáo shù
Purify 纯净术 chúnjìng shù
Redemption 救赎 jiùshú
Sacred shield 神圣之盾 shénshèng zhī dùn
Seal of light 光明圣印 guāngmíng shèngyìn
Seal of wisdom 智慧圣印 zhìhuì shèngyìn
Sense undead 感知亡灵 gǎnzhī wánglíng
Summon charger 召唤军马 zhànohuàn jūnmǎ
Summon warhorse 召唤战马 zhàohuàn zhànmǎ
Turn evil 超度亡灵 chāodù wánglíng

Priest 牧师 mùshi
Holy 神圣 shénshèng
Abolish Disease 解除疾病 jiěchú jíbìng
Circle Of Healing 治疗之环 zhìliáo zhī huán
Cure Disease 祛病术 qūbìng shù
Desperate Prayer 绝望祷言 juéwàng dǎoyán
Divine Hymn
Flash Heal 快速治疗 kuàisù zhìliáo
Greater Heal 强力治疗 qiánglì zhìliáo
Heal 治疗 zhìliáo
Holy Fire 神圣之火 shénshèng zhī huǒ
Holy Nova 神圣新星 shénshèng xīnxīng
Hymn Of Hope
Lesser Heal 次级治疗 cìjí zhìliáo
Lightwell 光明之泉 guāngmíng zhī quán
Mass Resurrection
Prayer Of Healing 治疗祷言 zhìliáo dǎoyán
Prayer Of Mending 愈合祷言 yùhé dǎoyán
Renew 恢复 huīfù
Smite 圣击术 shèngjī shù

Shadow 暗影魔法 ànyǐng mófǎ
Devouring Plague 噬灵瘟疫 shìlíng wēnyì
Fade 渐隐术 jiànyǐn shù
Mind Blast 心灵震爆 xīnlíng zhènbào
Mind Control 心灵控制 xīnlíng kòngzhì
Mind Flay 精神鞭笞 jīngshén biānchī
Mind Sear
Mind Soothe 安抚心灵 ānfǔ xīnlíng
Mind Vision 心灵视界 xīnlíng shìjiè
Prayer Of Shadow Protection 防护暗影 fánghù ànyǐng
Psychic Scream 心灵尖啸 xīnlíng
Shadow Protection 防护阴影 fánghù yīnnyǐng
Shadow Word: Death
Shadow Word: Pain 暗言术:痛 ànyánshù : tòng
Vampiric Embrace 吸血鬼的拥抱 xīxuèguǐ de yōngbào
Vampiric Touch 吸血鬼之触 xīxuè zhī chù

Discipline 戒律 jièlǜ
Dispel Magic 驱散魔法 qūsàn mófǎ
Divine Spirit 神圣之灵 shénshèng zhī líng
Fear Ward 恐惧 kǒngjù
Inner Fire 心灵之火 xīnlíng zhī huǒ
Levitate 漂浮术 piāofú shù
Mana Burn 法力燃烧 fǎlì ránshāo
Mass Dispel 驱散法术 qūsàn fǎshù
Power Infusion 能量灌注 néngliàng guànzhù
Power Word Fortitude 真言术:韧 zhēnyánshù : rèn
Power Word Shield 真言术:盾 zhēnyánshù : dùn
Prayer Of Fortitude 坚韧祷言 jiānrèn dǎoyán
Prayer Of Spirit 神圣之灵 shénshèng zhī líng
Shackle Undead 束缚亡灵 shùfù wánglíng

Rogue 盗贼 dàozéi
Subtelty 敏锐 mǐnruì
Blind 致盲 zhì máng
Cloak of shadows 暗影斗篷 ànyǐng dǒupeng
Detect trap 侦测陷阱 zhēncè xiànjǐng
Disarm trap 解除陷阱 jiěchú xiànjǐng
Distract 扰乱 rǎoluàn
Hemmorrhage 出血 chūxuè
Pickpocket 搜索 sōusuǒ
Safe fall 安全降落 ānquán jiàngluò
Sap 闷棍 mèngùn
Shadow dance
Shadowstep 暗影步 ànyǐng bù
Stealth 潜行 qiánxíng
Trick of the trade
Vanish 消失 xiāoshī

Combat 战斗 zhàndòu
Backstab 背刺 bèicì
Evasion 闪避 shǎngbì
Fan of knives
Feint 佯攻 yánggōng
Gouge 凿击 záojī
Kick 脚踢 jiǎotī
Shiv 毒刃 dúrèn
Sinister strike 影袭 yǐngxí
Sprint 疾跑 jípǎo

Assassination 刺杀 cìshā Ambush 伏击 fújī
Cheap shot 偷袭 tōuxí
Deadly throw 致命投掷 zhìmìng tóuzhì
Envenom 毒伤 dúshāng
Eviscerate 刺骨 cìgǔ
Expose armor 破甲 pòjiǎ
Garrote 锁喉 suǒhóu
Kidney shot 肾击 shènjī
Mutilate 毁伤 huǐshāng
Rupture 割裂 gēliè
Slice and dice 切割 qiēgē
Stun 击昏 jī hūn

Shaman 萨满 sàmǎn
Heal 恢复 huīfù
Ancestral spirit 先祖之魂 xiānzǔ zhī hún
Chain heal 治疗波 zhìliáo bō
Cure disease 祛病术 qūbìng shù
Cure poison 消毒术 xiāodú shù
Disease cleansing totem 祛病图腾 qūbìng túténg
Earth shield 大地之盾 dàdì zhī dùn
Healing stream totem 治疗之泉图腾 zhìliáo zhī quántúténg
Healing wave 治疗波 zhìliáo bō
Lesser healing wave 次级治疗波 cìjí zhìliáo bō
Mana spring totem 法力之泉图腾 fǎlì zhī quántúténg
Mana tide totem 法力之潮图腾 fǎlì zhī cháotúténg
Poison cleansing totem 清毒图腾 qīngdú túténg
Reincarnation 复生 fùshēng
Totemic call 图腾召唤 túténg zhàohuàn
Tremor totem 战栗图腾 zhànlì túténg
Water shield 水之护盾 shuǐ zhī hùdùn

Elemental combat 元素战斗 yuánsù zhàndòu
Chain lighting 闪电链 shǎngdiàn liàn
Earth shock 地震术 dìzhèn shù
Earthbind totem 地缚图腾 dìfù túténg
Fire elemental totem 火元素图腾 huǒyuánsù túténg
Fire nova totem 火焰新星图腾 huǒyàn xīnxīng túténg
Flame shock 烈焰震击 lièyàn zhènjī
Frost shock 冰霜震击 bīngshuāng zhènjī
Lighting bolt 闪电箭 shǎngdiàn jiàn
Magma totem 熔岩图腾 róngyán túténg
Purge 净化术 jìnghuà shù
Searing totem 灼热图腾 zhuórè túténg
Stoneclaw totem 石爪图腾 shízhǎo túténg
Totem of wrath 天怒图腾 tiānnù túténg
Wind shock

Enhancement 增强 zēngqiáng
Astral recall 星界传送 xīngjiè chuánsòng
Bloodlust 嗜血 shìxuè
Earth elemental totem 土元素图腾 tǔ yuánsù túténg
Far sight 视界术 shìjiè shù
Fire resistance totem 抗火图腾 dǐhuǒ túténg
Flametongue totem 火舌图腾 huǒshé túténg
Frost resistance totem 抗寒图腾 dǐhán túténg
Frostbrand weapon 冰封武器 bīngfēng wǔqì
Ghost wolf 幽魂之狼 yōuhún zhī láng
Grounding totem 根基图腾 gēnjī túténg
Heroism 英勇 yīngyǒng
Lava lash
Lighting shield 闪电之盾 shǎngdiàn zhī dùn
Nature resistance totem 自然抗性图腾 zìrán dǐkàng túténg
Rockbiter weapon 石化武器 shíhuà wǔqì
Sentry totem 岗哨图腾 gǎngshào túténg
Shamanistic rage 萨满之怒 sàmǎn zhī nù
Stoneskin totem 石肤图腾 shífū túténg
Strenght of earth totem 大地之力图腾 lì zhī túténg
Water breathing 水下呼吸 shuǐxià hūxī
Water walking 水上行走 shuǐshàng xíngzǒu
Windfury totem 风怒图腾 fēngnù túténg
Windfury weapon 风怒武器 fēngnù wǔqì
Windwall totem 风墙图腾 fēng túténg
Wrath of air totem 空气之怒图腾 kōngqì zhī nù túténg
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 15 Nov 2008 - 23:00  #
Warlock 术士 shùshì
Affliction 痛苦 tòngkǔ
Corruption 腐蚀 fǔshí
Curse Of Agony 痛苦诅咒 tòngkǔ zǔzhòu
Curse Of Doom 厄运诅咒 èyùn zǔzhòu
Curse Of Element 元素诅咒 yuánsù zǔzhòu
Curse Of Idiocy
Curse Of Recklessness 鲁莽诅咒 lǔmǎngzǔzhòu
Curse Of Shadow 阴影诅咒 yīnnyǐng zǔzhòu
Curse Of Tongues 语言诅咒 yǔyán zǔzhòu
Curse Of Weakness 虚弱诅咒 xūruò zǔzhòu
Dark Pact 黑暗契约 hēi'àn qìyuē
Death Coil 死亡缠绕 sǐwáng chánrào
Drain Life 吸取生命 xīqǔ shēngmìng
Drain Mana 吸取魔法 xīqǔ mófǎ
Drain Soul 吸取灵魂 xīqǔ línghún
Fear 恐惧 kǒngjù
Howl Of Terror 群体恐惧 qúntǐ kǒngjù
Life Tap 生命分流 shēngmìng fēnliú
Seed Of Corruption 腐蚀之种 fǔshí zhī zhǒng
Siphon Life 生命虹吸 shēngmìng hóngxī
Unstable Affliction 痛苦无常 tòngkǔ wúcháng

Demonology 恶魔学识 èmó
Banish 放逐 fàngzhú
Create Firestone 火焰石 huǒyàn shí
Create Healthstone 糖 / 治疗石 táng/ zhìliáo shí
Create Soulstone 绑灵魂 bǎng línghún
Create Spellstone 法术石 fǎshùshù shí
Demon Skin 恶魔皮肤 èmó pífū
Demonic Circle: Summon
Demonic Circle: Teleport
Detect Invisibility 侦测次级隐形 zhēncè cìjí yǐnxíng
Enslave Demon 奴役恶魔 núyì èmó
Eye Of Kilrogg 基尔罗格之眼 jīěrluógé zhī yǎn
Fel Armor 魔甲术 mójiǎ shù
Health Tunnel 生命通道 shēngmìng tōngdào
Inferno 放逐术 fàngzhú shù
Ritual Of Doom 厄运仪式 èyùn yíshì
Ritual Of Souls 灵魂仪式 línghún yíshì
Ritual Of Summoning 拉人/ 召唤仪式 lā rén / zhàohuàn yíshì
Sense Demon 感知恶魔 gǎnzhī èmó
Shadow Ward 防护阴影结 fánghù yīnnyǐng
Soul Shard 灵魂碎片 línghún suìpiàn
Summon Dreadsteed 召唤恐惧战马 zhàohuàn kǒngjù zhànmǎ
Summon Felguard 召唤恶魔卫士 zhàohuàn èmó wèishì
Summon Felhunter 地狱猎手 dìyù lièshǒu
Summon Felsteed 召唤地狱战马 zhàohuàn dìyù zhànmǎ
Summon Imp 小鬼 xiǎoguǐ
Summon Succubus 魅魔 mèimó
Summon Voidwalker 虚空行者 xūkōng xíngzhě
Unending Breath 永恒的呼吸 yǒnghéng de hūxī

Destruction 毁灭 huǐmiè
Chaos Bolt
Conflagrate 燃烧 ránshāo
Hellfire 地狱之火 dìyù zhī huǒ
Immolate 献祭 xiànjì
Incinerate 烧尽 shāojìn
Rain Of Fire 火雨 huǒyǔ
Searing Pain 烧灼之痛 shāozhuó zhī tòng
Shadow Bolt 阴影箭 yīnnyǐng jiàn
Shadow Burn 暗影灼烧 ànyǐng zhuóshāo
Shadow Fury 暗影之怒 ànyǐng zhī nù
Soulfire 灵魂之火 línghún zhī huǒ

Warrior 战士 zhànshì
Arms 武器 wǔqì
Battle stance 战斗姿态 zhàndòu zītài
Charge 冲锋 chōngfēng
Hamstring 断筋 dàunjīn
Heroic strike 英勇打击 dǎjī
Heroic strow
Mocking blow 惩戒痛击 chéngjiè tòngjī
Mortal strike 致死打击 zhìsǐ dǎjī
Overpower 压制 yāzhì
Rend 撕裂 sīliè
Retaliation 反击风暴 fǎnjī fēngbào
Sweeping strikes 死亡之愿 sǐwáng zhī yuàn
Thunder clap 雷霆一击 léitíng yījī

Fury 狂怒 kuángnù
Battle Shout 战斗怒吼 zhàndòu nùhǒu
Berserker rage 狂暴之怒 kuángbào zhī nù
Berserker stance 狂暴姿态 kuángbào zītài
Challenging shout 挑战怒吼 tiǎozhàn nùhǒu
Cleave 顺劈斩 shùnpī zhǎn
Commanding shout 命令怒吼 mìnglìng nùhǒu
Death wish 横扫攻击 héngsǎo gōngjī
Demoralizing shout 挫志怒吼 cuòzhì nùhǒu
Enraged regeneration
Execute 斩杀 zhǎn shā
Heroic fury
Intercept 拦截 lánjié
Intimidating shout 破胆怒吼 pòdǎn nùhǒu
Pummel 拳击 quánjī
Recklessness 鲁莽 lǔmǎng
Slam 猛击 měngjī
Victory rush 乘胜追击 chéngshèngzhuījī
Whirlwind 旋风斩 xuànfēng zhǎn

Protection 防护 fánghù
Defensive stance
Devastate 毁灭打击 huǐmiè dǎjī
Disarm 缴械 jiǎoxiè
Intervene 援护 yuánhù
Revenge 复仇 fùchóu
Shield Bash 盾击 dùnjī
Shield block 盾牌格挡 dùnpái gédǎng
Shield slam 盾牌猛击 dùnpái měngjī
Shield Wall 盾墙 dùnqiáng
Shockwave 震荡猛击 měngjī
Spell reflection 法术反射 fǎshù fǎnshè
Sunder Armor 破甲攻击 pòjiǎ gōngjī
Taunt 嘲讽 cháofěng
Vigilance 姿态掌握 zhèndàng zhǎngwò
The Duder 

Posts : 37
Joined : 2009-05-13

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 16 May 2009 - 3:46  #
Lots of time invested here. Thanks!
Timmy The CruelTimmy The Cruel

Posts : 788
Joined : 2006-08-07
Female Age : 38
Location : Paris

Character in WOW
Server: maduolan-马多兰
Name: Globuline
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeSat 16 May 2009 - 11:12  #
You don't wanna know...*sigh*

Posts : 417
Joined : 2009-03-12
Male Age : 39
Location : Xu Jia Hui, Shanghai

Character in WOW
Server: CN1 / 马多兰 / PVE
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 1 Sep 2009 - 11:39  #
Hey there,
It's time for me to increase all the different factions reputations. /Mode pick up. However in spite of this huge glossary I can not find the ususal abrevation that most of chinese wower use.

I can see a lot of KLZ MMMMMM, GRL MMMMMM etc.....

But do they have those kind of things for:

The Blood Furnace
The Shattered Hall
Magtheridon's Lair

The Slave Pens
The Underbog
The Steamvault
Serpentshrine Cavern

Auchenai Crypts
Sethekk Halls
Shadow Labyrinth

Old Hillsbrad Footbills
The Black Morass

The Mechanar
The Botanica
The Arcatraz
The Nexus

Magistere Terrace
Mukla the gorillaMukla the gorilla

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Male Age : 31
Location : Orgrimmar, Kalimdor

Character in WOW
Server: 耐萨里奥
Name: Hirna
Guild: 天國的記憶

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeTue 1 Sep 2009 - 14:08  #

Guess it's what you're looking for ?

Posts : 417
Joined : 2009-03-12
Male Age : 39
Location : Xu Jia Hui, Shanghai

Character in WOW
Server: CN1 / 马多兰 / PVE
Guild: Cow Eaters

Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitimeWed 2 Sep 2009 - 3:41  #
Shame on me !!

So they do not have one abrevation per dungeon?
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Glossary - English - Chinese _
  Glossary - English - Chinese I_icon_minitime  #

Glossary - English - Chinese

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