A friend and I are about to create 2 toons on Maiduolan, since it's seems to be the most foreigners friendly server ou there, and it appears that there is an active english speaking guild, which is what my mate and I have been looking for since we started playing on C-WoW.
I was just wondering:
-first, if the guild or at least a few english players were still active
-second if there were any classes needed in the guild
My friend and I intended to roll a priest and a mage, but if there are any request, I'm ready to change my mind
Hope to see you soon IG
(dont have a name IG yet, since I will start playing next tuesday, I will post it asap)
EDIT: Oh btw, we'd rather play Horde, and I think I've read somewhere that there's also a Horde guild on the same server...Would be great if someone could confirm! I don't really want to lose all my BG
If not, then Alliance it will be!