Cow Eater’s recruitment notice to passersby.
Cow Eaters is a “Foreign Guild” on PVE Alliance Region 1, 马多兰 (Maduolan) currently expanding and hoping to see more faces for nothing short an international brotherhood of English native and non-native speaking players with nearly 10 countries repented in it's currently active members.
We have 35 level 70s of which 17 level 70s logged on this past month, 47 total characters online this past week, 10 new original members and 4 new level 70s this past month. Our ten-man raids to Zul’Amon and Karazhan are arranged on consensus for the simple enjoyment of its well-geared veterans and to gear up its newest level 70s. Twenty-five man raids to Mount Hijial, Black Temple and Sunwell are often arranged weekly by joining with our Chinese guild mates and friendly Chinese guilds on Maduolan.
By tradition all new players to Cow Eaters will be given ample help in both running though instances and with starting gear such as those wonderfully handy 16 slot bags. We are not particularly short on any one kind of class, however we have no level 70 rogues as either a main or alternate and we have no active level 70 shaman. You are encouraged to play whatever class is most appealing to you however I would mention that classes that can either fill the role of tank or healer on at least a part time basis are personally most appreciated. That said, any serious DPS orientated personality is just as welcome.
Cow Eaters have a lot of long time Chinese Expats within it’s ranks more than 50 years of living in China has been experienced by it’s foreign members. We also have several friendly Chinese members that help with raids, translation and advice as often as they can.
If your looking to play World of Warcraft within China Cow Eaters is the absolute best place to be and we are looking forward to your arrival.
[?] Reporting to Cow Eaters - Region 1, 马多兰 (Maduolan)
[Mission] Log into Maduolan with any alliance character and type “/join English” to be in communication with Cow Eaters and Chinese speaking English friends. Ask for invite!
[Reward] Simply Priceless
p.s. Unlike some other servers we don’t have a queue to log in. ^^
Last edited by WoWLaoWai on Fri 22 Jan 2010 - 5:44; edited 2 times in total