| Muhan Wyrm Posts : 607 Joined : 2008-05-19 Character in WOW Server: CN1, PVE, Alliance, Maduolan (玛多兰), Silvermoon (银月) Name: Loklok, Lokatme, Huntar, Magicjack, Urdead, Warry, Lokabubble, Bloodymerry / Bewitched Guild: Swiss Bunnies | Wed 10 Feb 2010 - 13:00 # | you can put a glyph and then later change it. What happens will be that your old glyph will be destroyed. for example you put in a glyph named "A" and then later decide that you would rather have another glyph named "B". When you socket glyph "B" in the place where you had glyph "A", then glyph "A" will be destroyed. | | |