Hey I think I can answer some of ur questions.
1. The CWLK patch that we are gonna have on 31st is Patch 3.22, which include everything up to T9, which is NAXX-TOC. Icc is not included. Also TOC will not be released all together. It would be like Sunwell, where only one boss is released per week. It may take five weeks or more, for the entire TOC to be fully available.
2. I'm playing on Maduolan, Area 1, Shanghai Region. But this server is pve and the horde population is small, very small. But you are more than welcome to join us by /join English.
3. So far as I know, even an English bigfoot can work on chinese version wow. Oh, in case you don't know what bigfoot is, it's a well-known chinese intergreted addon which includes recount, DBM, OMEN and other popular addons.
4. I am no master of setting up macros but i do know that you can input english letter in the macro. For the spells, just shift+spell in the spell book.