HUMAN leader: Anduin Wrynn King of stormwind"King Anduin Wrynn is the current ruler of the Kingdom of Stormwind. At the age of ten, he was given the crown after his father disappeared under mysterious circumstances while on a diplomatic mission. Not many citizens are aware of the current state of rulership in Stormwind, as the nature of King Varian Wrynn's disappearance has been kept a tight lipped secret."
- Humans think their king is still alive but their own government is lying about it. Their real king is a 10 years old kid
GNOMES leader: Gelbin Mekkatorque King of gnomes"when the troggs began their invasion of Gnomeregan, Gelbin was unprepared to stop them. He ordered that the city be bathed in toxic radiation. Though the radiation stopped the troggs' advance, it ultimately killed more gnomes than troggs. Now the High Tinker carries the weight of the dead on his shoulders and seeks to avenge his people by reclaiming their lost city"
- No need to comment that one
DWARVES leader: Magni Bronzebeard"King Magni's only child, Moira Bronzebeard, was recently captured by Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, and is now under a magical charm spell, serving the evil emperor without question. Thaurissan made her fall in love with him, and together, they have conceived a child. Much to the kingdom's despair, Magni's grand heir will apparently be a dwarf who is both the heir of the King of Ironforge and the Emperor of Blackrock."
- The emperor of blackrock boinked his daughter and he can't do shit about it
How lame is this king LOL...
TAURENS leader: Cairne Bloodhoof"Cairne is a peerless warrior and a wise leader of his ancient people. Though slowed somewhat by the weight of age, Cairne still possesses the strength and valor of twenty men. This greathearted giant knows that his people are in grave danger of extermination from the marauding centaurs. However, he has never given up hope of one day finding a way to lead his people to a new land where they can make their home and live in peace."
1 old tauren = 20 men
ORC leader: Warchief ThrallHe is a true legend
just go read this:
FORSAKEN leader: Sylvanas Windrunner"After the fall of Silvermoon, Arthas raised her as an undead minion as a form of petty revenge. When the Lich King's hold on his undead minions weakened, Sylvanas and other undead regained their free will, and she led her forces against the dreadlords who had taken hold over the northern country of Lordaeron. After dislodging the dreadlords and their mind-controlled human "allies," she affirmed her sovereignty by killing off the remaining humans and bending the dreadlord Varimathras to her will. She renamed her force of self-aware undead the Forsaken and declared herself their queen. "
- Owning all the dreadlord and even having Varimathras as a pet... This lady sure is a tough bitch
Ok. I know this is not impartial history... But you got to admit that the horde is a bit more on the cool side recently