I'm in Chongqing, trying to get WoW running. However my PC is a MAC so the route in which I'm trying to go is playing at the local internet bars. I have an account made and time purchased.
Where I am getting confused is getting the game to actually play in English. I've followed the guide posted in the forums, but still having some difficulty. I have to patch back to the initial WoW verision 3.0, I think, then have to patch back up to the current versin running in China.
This is where I get confused, because the once I patch up completely the game doesnt recogize my account. Also, I find that if I restart the computer, I have to go througth all the patches again! The download time alone comes down to hours of time so it complicates the process beyond belief. Who wants to sit and download a file for 2 hours just to begin to play.
So any suggestions, please I'm all ears.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.