Anyone still playing cs 1.6?
i use 175pt program and 1.6 client to connect chinese servers.
as i am not able to use this program to play 1.5 on win 7x64, so i am playing 1.6 version.
Although, this 175pt client kind of annoys me by using some methods of trying to convince me to buy VIP account (i.e. kicking u for some reason and not letting u join the server).i usually jump on different servers that have nice ping (15-100), usually they are located in North East China.
BTW, a big down for me, there so many bots on servers, wtf.
But so far it's still a surprisingly fun experience.
My account name: sleepwholelife, player nickname: Wakkachikka.
play it like in 2003, yeah! oops that was 1.5.. anyway (: