I'm currently playing the english version of wow in china, does anyone know where i can download addons that is compatible with my version. I'm currently looking for an addon that displays the direction that you need to go to complete the quests on the mini-map. Thanks
the only one for quest and location is for chinese wow only: it's called "moonbox" in chinese. there's no addons for quest location for english version.
you'll have to go to www.thottbot.com or www.wowhead.com or similar website like everyone else. sucks I know
Posts : 1032 Joined : 2006-12-03 Age : 46 Location : Shanghai
Character in WOW Server: TW-Stormscale (雷鱗) Name: Naklin Guild: All Gear No Skill
there are 2 mods in engilsh, the will display direction and location of mapnotes, on your minimap, with an arrow. even distance and time to travel. but you will still have to make the mapnotes yourself by going to the sites metionned above and getting the coords.
Posts : 20 Joined : 2007-05-12 Age : 36 Location : shanghai baby!
there are alots of wow database website but personally I recommend wowhead and thottbot, they got the cleanest interface with only the info you need and no other junk, and they're FAST! but if there's any other good site do post