I rolled a warlock on Shanghai 1 - 山丘之王 I hit 70 a few days ago. THe problem is that I've been doing a lot of pvp and have realized that the warlock just isn't my style. I know tons of people say that warlocks are the most powerful class for pvp, but I'm just not having fun. I have spent far too much time playing a mage back on my server in the US and that really that style I enjoy.
Anyway, I don't really want to reroll and have to level a mage. I have starting working a lot and it would take months to get another toon to 70. I'm thinking there might be a mage out there somewhere on Shanghai 1/Guandong 4 that would like to trade me.
As long as your horde and your in one of the two regions I mentioned we can trade and transfer the toons to which ever server you want.
If anyone is interested post a reply here, or if you want a faster responce send me an email at ohjohnsaw@hotmail.com