Hello Sainan.
I have a level 35 Hunter (Orc Male...not the racial ability of a troll, but good balanced melee / ranged skills) right now on your realm and i'd like to be added to this group here somehow.
I am guilded for the moment already, but that is a must, for several reasons (the advantage of a guildchat with many offers of cheap cheap mats and recipes). But this Hunter is going to be PvP oriented (at least in the beginning), so i won't mind to /GQUIT later and join the crazy people
hope to see you in game, message me if you guys need more bags. I made quite a few and gave them to sumone (darn memory leaks) who was supposed to give you some as well).
If you need some spare gold to twink your chars because you are seeing that "must have" thing in the AH, let me know, if i am online.
as for the rest, none of you wear cloth, so i cna't really tailor for you. =D
see you:)