note : this topic was made when the9 was still the distributor of Wow china. You can still use Fedka online card, but the new Netease time card for Wow are available everywhere.联邦/Fedka 游戏一卡通OK as the servers are down and my favourite pornsites didn t update I'm doing a topic about the new Wow time-recharge card. So today When I went to buy one of the "precious" to my favourite newspaper store, the old man showed me a not so good looking card, saying it was the new recharge cards for wow.
Not very confident about it on first sight, I finally decided to give it a try.
So actually this card has about 10game names listed on it, and when you go on the webiste you ll choose the game you want to recharge, and then well recharge...
lets do it step by step :
1. turn on your computer
2. If nothing happen verify everything is plugged, then see 1.
3.go on and click on the button of the 1st row/2nd line
note: this will lead you to a OMG surcharged chinese website like we like to not see so much but no worries... ll see on the top part of the site a lot of chinese name, who are actually the games you can use your recharge for. click on 魔兽世界(moshuoshijie(world of warcraft))
then you ll see a kind of table :
first line invites you to put a 15RMB recharge
second invites you to put a 30RMB recharge
third invites you to buy an ACCOUNT-KEY
so you ll most likely select the 30RMB button.
5.all this clicking etc will lead you to the formular you will be willing to enter the little numbers you can see on your card. (direct link for WOW 30RMB/4000minutes
卡 号: ***insert the first number on your card***
密 码: ***insert the number of scratching part of the card***
商品名称: 九城-魔兽世界:30元600点(全国直充)
商品类型: 在线直充
库存状态: 库存正常
换购单价: ¥30.00 元
玩家帐号: ***insert your wow account name***
重复玩家帐号:***type again your wow account name***
购买数量: ***let default value***
计费方式: 计点(600点),游戏时间66小时40分
充值区域: ***select the server you are playing in***
验 证 ***input antibot code***
6. Make intelligent use of your chinese knowledge when clicking the confirmation buttons. This will prevent you having to reenter everything again.
GG you re done !!!!!