i am an interpreter of chinese and english in real life and i love this game a lot. i don't see any english news about the data transfer from the 9 to netease so i'm writing this, just to be informative.
1.servers will be down for 2 weeks. time of re-opening depends on ... well luck.
2.after the transfer, new cards will be released to recharge your account. the price of the card remains 30RMB each 4000minutes. i don't know where you can find one because we dont live together, so it is best that u consult your friends in your city. new company's name is netease, or Wangyi in pinyin, or simply say www.163.com and your friend will know which one it is.
3.no one knows when WOTLK will be released because the 9 is sueing blizzard and according to china laws, if a chinese agent company sues a foreign company, the product of this foreign company shall not be sold in china. who knows how long it will be? i think only Cenarious does.
4.watch out your accounts. rumors has it that hackers are more active before and shortly after the transfer. the best way to prevent Trojans and viruses it to install anti-trojans and anti-virus softwares. also it is strongly recommended that u apply a matrix card from netease. my suggestion is that u change ur wow.exe into something else like 1234.exe.
5. whisper 天之宇 in game, maduolan server, region 1/4 if u have anymore questions after the transfer. also u can try kim-lee-7@163.com. that's my e-mail box. but plz don't send me any "ten ways to find her g spot" to remind me that i'm still single. i hate to be told the truth.