In Eve, I got up to a destroyer class ship, finished all the tutorial/career missions, and then was like... uh, what do I do now? Went and did some random missions from a random agent, rewards were crap. The career mission guys tell you to go see some other agent who's like 17 systems away... hauling all my crap there didn't seem like fun especially if they just told me to go right back. So far, though I get the mechanics of the game, there's just no sticky factor in it for me.
I mean, my new destroyer was cool and kicked butt in the career missions, but this endless cycle of buying new ships and spending hours flying around trying to get it all equiped just didn't have the same addictive loot-whore feel as WoW. I think the team-play and having a specific role are elements that are a big part of what I'm missing along with some sense of tactics. Other than setting orbit distances, locking a target, and activating your weapons, there's not a lot to the combat system that I've found... maybe if they had ship maneuvers or something that made a difference... otherwise it's just outfitting your craft with long/medium/close combat range, there's not a lot of strategy/gear tweaking to be done, though the selection and variety of weapons is near rediculous in quantity and scope.
The game is gorgeous though and very detailed. Things seemed sized appropriately and proper scale. The map is rediculously large, so if you want to meet anyone that didn't start in the same zone, I think you're in for hours of hopping around to find them (and through some dangerous areas too).
So I don't know... maybe I'll try playing the last few days of my trial account and see if it's any more provoking, but so far, doesn't seem so exciting to me.