All hail, my worthy thanes.
I'm Etienne, 27, major noob to this game from South Africa (living in Zhengzhou, Henan) here. Just found some of the WOW manga online and the illustrations are pretty badass, so I thought maybe people would be interested. Don't really know how to share them on this website, so just give us a shout and we'll figure something out. And of course I paid for them. Of course. I mean, it's not like we know anything of crime in Africa.
Got a Dwarf hunter, name of Thundli, lvl 40 in Maduolan Cow Eaters, and a Tauren druid, name of Saradush, lvl 7 or something silly, in Bronzebeard.
People have been real mentors on both realms, especially Usul (sorry for trying to shoot things while being rushed through in SW stockade, bud), Hexhex and Afterglow (sorry about being late that one time, mon ami) on Maduolan , and Bolomas on Bronzebeard (cheers for coming out all the way to meet me in Narache of all places).
I'm totally sorted out with an English client, thanks to a couple of excellent guides on this site. Now it's only hope for WOTLK joy and that they don't take us offline altogether, the authoritarian s.o.b.'s. It might be a power struggle between two ministries, but why don't they instead fight over the donkey porn they both so enjoy and leave us alone? You know how it is with the apparent censorship enthusiasts...NEVER want to see those magazines hidden under their mattresses.
Anyone ready to report me to the Thought Police can expect liberal bribes in live chickens, African style.
So just wanted to say that it's been a lot of fun over the past month and a half and that we've got a really cool and supportive community going over here on this site - would definitely recommend the experience to any other noob. And so may our numbers swell like...a really swell thing.
Until later, brethren, Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder.
'Stick out your tongue; I fear it looks grey.
Has our Frater Nihilius blessed you today?'