山丘之王(Bronzebeard) February 2010 stateSince 2007, CN1 山丘之王(Bronzebeard) is the host of a good bunch of foreigners, willing to play Horde PVP, on China's mainland servers.
From 2007 till mid 2008 we even had a foreigners only guild(theforeigners), that allowed us to run our in-house Karazan, and a little of Zul'aman. Unfortunalty foreigners only guilds are subject of a lot of factors(disturbances), namely : employment contract length, motivation, private life, disponibility.
This is why today, the realm don't and probably won't have any "foreigner only" guilds again. Instead ALL the foreigners on Bronzebeard joined some nice Chinese guilds, and so far, it's working well for everyone.
Right now there's around 25 foreigners, from all nationalities, most of us are long-term residents in China. As we aren't all playing in the same guilds, most contacts between foreigners are made through whispers, party channels, or the dedicated english channel.
So you decided to give Bronzebeard a try? now what? first thing first
1. type "/join english" in the chat. You can check who is on the channel under the "social panel"->chat tab. Feel free to add the members you see in your friend list, and make use of your social talents
. The channel can be quiet at times so if you are new and see people are online don't hesitate to whisp them, and present yourself.
2. A good bunch of foreigners joined the Chinese Guild 朝九晚五. It's a guild made of dedicated players and one of the few TBC DKP guilds left.
If you like the term progressive and don't wanna "beat the game" too early to have some fun playing for more than 4 months, you will probably enjoy your stay in this guild, for the PVE part ofc.
朝九晚五 website : http://gh.duowan.com/zjwwsq/ (in chinese)
朝九晚五 DKP rules : http://ghbbs.duowan.com/zjwwsq/thread-24-1-1.html
朝九晚五 Teamspeak program : http://yy.duowan.com/s/api/download.html
3. Powerlevel on Bronzebeard : the foreigners on this realm won't powerlevel you. Most of us are playing there for years, we are waiting WOTLK since december 2008, and don't log in to beat on the same greys for hours.
If you really hate leveling, some chinese players can rush you again and again in exchange of some golds. You can sell 30RMB gamecards in game for around 2000 Gold, it will cost you between 4000 and 6000 gold to powerlevel to 70 if you do this.
Otherwise you can ask the service of a professional who will powerlevel you to 70 in 3-4days+flying mount and 1000G for 300-400RMB.
Right now, as mentioned before, most people on bronzebeard are waiting impatiently for WOTLK since winter 2008. Nobody knows if the xpack will ever be released in China, but one thing is almost sure, it won't be released before at least 6 months. One consequence, we all have alts, we are bored with the PVE content, and the only thing who keep us playing is PVP.
People mostly log in to attend the weekly raids, weekly arenas, and do a few bgs here and there or duel in front of ogrimmar or gank a little outside of the cities. We seldom run instances and 10 man raids.
So if you are new be prepared to interact a lot with Chinese people when you join this realm, but I'm sure that in the end, like most of us, you won't regret it, particulary if you want to learn some Chinese.
I don't recommend Bronzebeard to people who don't plan to PVP actively (PVP is the hardest but also most rewarding part of the game), who don't want to interact with Chinese citizens or are In China for a short period of time.
What to expect on bronzebeard if you join now :
1. Lv 70 Bgs grouped with other foreigners and chinese guildies
2. Arena(if you are motivated), fun world PVP(if you like non-scripted events)
3. The opportunity to raid in a dedicated guild, with the same rules for everyone, with a guaranteed spot once Wotlk raids will be available(though none can guarantee we will ever see Wotlk in china
What you shouldn't expect :
1. Experience a lot of PVE activities with other foreigners besides 25man raids untill WOTLK is released.
2. Being best friend with everyone on day 1 just because you are an expat. Bonzebeard is like any realms in EU/US, the mentality might seems harsh for some, but it's also the most natural. Aim "longterm", take care of your relationship with others, but not only when you need a rush or serves own personal interests, this never last long.
For the Horde!
PVP Horde -CN1 山丘之王(Bronzebeard)