| Muhan Wyrm Posts : 607 Joined : 2008-05-19 Character in WOW Server: CN1, PVE, Alliance, Maduolan (玛多兰), Silvermoon (银月) Name: Loklok, Lokatme, Huntar, Magicjack, Urdead, Warry, Lokabubble, Bloodymerry / Bewitched Guild: Swiss Bunnies | Mon 22 Feb 2010 - 12:57 # | PVP vs PVE: The main difference, in my opinion, between PVP and PVE is, that on a PVP server you allways can be attacked or attack the opposite fraction, eg. you are on horde side an alliance player can attack you or you can attack him anytime, with some exceptions. On a PVE server you only can be attacked if you want too. You can join a Battlefield or do Arena. Another option is to flag yourself so that the opposite fraction can attack you (in this situation you still can not attack the opposite fraction unless they flag themselfes or attack you). Concerning your lag, I guess the easiest way to find out, is to make a human character on alliance side on the desired server and walk to Stormwind, run arround and see how your connection is. This will give you a rough indication how your connection is to the selected realm/server. Transfering: There are some realms that can transfer, but only a few. Please check the official cn wow site. http://www.warcraftchina.com/index.html For joining any current active guilds on CN1, please check the following links: PVP, CN1, 山丘之王(Bronzebeard), Horde: https://wow-in-chinese.forum2jeux.com/shanghai-1997828023-1-guangdong-24191199964-f6/foreigners-on-cn1-horde-pvp-bronzebeard-t1477.htmPVE, CN1, 玛多兰 (Maduolan), Horde and/or Alliance: https://wow-in-chinese.forum2jeux.com/shanghai-1997828023-1-guangdong-24191199964-f6/join-maduolan-region-1-pve-rp-server-is-1-mmmmm-t1515.htm | | |