is there anyone who wants to immigrate to CN10 Barrenland PVE from CN1 and CN2?it has the largest population,3168 for ally side,and 2851 for horde side at 1:0.85.i know that Cow Eaters is in Maduolan and most of you are in Cow Eaters,but i have just told that the population is ally:641,horde:20, will be more exciting to play with more characters i think.and if most of you agree and come,i will rebuild a new guild in Barrenland(贫瘠之地)PVE for you laowais.there you could get help of people from my guild,and they will help us raid,SW,BT or even ICC
my name:真是笨蛋
my guild:LV
mage horde bloodelf