Greetings! I'm a new member here, and let me introduce myself. I'm from New York, been playing World of Warcraft on the North American servers. I'm still in New York, and I'm keen on playing on the Taiwanese servers.
Is it also relevant that I'm Chinese American?
Anyway, I'm a bit puzzled on how to actually get onto the realms... I was a bit scared when account creation asked me for my ID number. So a whole load of questions here:
1 ) Is a copy of Taiwanese World of Warcraft obtainable in Hong Kong or America?
2 ) Are the cards obtainable in Hong Kong or America?
3 ) Do I have to provide my ID number?
4 ) Can I have a seprate client for the North American game and for the Taiwanese Game?
5 ) Does Taiwan use minute-by-minute cards like Mainland China and Korea?
6 ) How are the servers? (e.g. laggy, smooth)
7 ) How is the community?
8 ) What patch version are the Taiwanese servers on?
I can get some of this information for the official site, but I can't read Chinese - I can only speak it. I'd also much rather get the information in vicious detail from the locals.
Thanks a lot!