Hi everyone,
We, a few foreigners and some chinese (more or less decent english speakers), decided to start playing casually on Taiwan servers.
We just started out a week ago so we're pretty much nowhere, but are looking for more people to join us if anyone's interested. Some of us play everyday, some others only a few times a week so it's still not really organised in any way...
Eventually we'd like to invite as many english speakers as possible (basic level of english is enough), and depending on the numbers we get we'll see what to do from there.
Want want to make it simple, fun, and hopefully a rally point for foreigners playing on Taiwan servers.
People that can invite you in-game:
/w Nede
/w Edensan
/w Edensen
/w Evad
/w Venec
/w Melu
/w Borth
/w Kairinxi
There should be at least one of us connected every evening during week-days, and anytime during week-ends.
We have 2 other people but they don't play as much, right now they only play one or two evening per week to do some questing/dungeons.