- Verilus wrote:
- Wasnt talking about Korea with pandas =P its the playstyle that they're changing it to in the expansion. Like the change in how talent points work. Kind of more...stupid friendly. But Pandas have a high probability of being playable. Even china's mainsite revealed the same info. Level cap will be 90.
I don't think Korean gamers are stupid friendly xD. I mean look at all the SC2 professionals out there! Most of them are Korean!
But honestly, the "stupid friendly" part of the game didn't start in Cataclysm, I think. It really started in Wotlk. ICC was stupid easy to get into and beat the first 4 bosses whereas if you did that in Sunwell Plateau back in TBC, you'd get raped by the mobs in the blink of an eye.
On the contrary, Cataclysm actually introduced something new: more challenging dungeons! You couldn't just pull 10 mobs as a tank like in Wotlk in Cataclysm instances. Of course that means that instances are longer but I think that makes them even more interesting as a whole as you get immersed much faster into the Lore. Compared to Wotlk "Heroics", of which most people had no idea of the lore because you went through the damn place so fast.
As for Pandaren, I don't know. We've got very little lore about them except for the very vague: "they are a friendly bunch of individuals" , "They don't like war" and "They were here as long as the Night Elves but disappeared from Azeroth's eyes". And, if they do add Pandaren into the game as a
playable race, that means there needs to be
another race added to balance the Horde/Alliance equation. I could never play as a Naga. Maybe an ethereal, but Blizzard has shown that they are like the Steamwheedle Cartel (not to be confused with the Bilgewater Cartel, the playable goblins in WoW); a neutral race only interested in money.
I say: