So do we get care bear form in the new expansion?
I only wish...
So what do druids think of the new arrangement? I havent had much of any time lately to try anything but from what I see its no big change, they just removed DPS / Tank offspec from an automatic to a chosen build.
I'm going to get online today and play around, mainly with balance as I miss the Lich King days where it was fun to watch the pretty lights and big numbers. I hope its fun to mash the same button again all day.
I'll tell everyone what I think soon enough.
The talents look really interesting that's for sure.
Well I played around some with balance.
Overall it feels much better. However I have no idea if I'm doing anything right.
There is certinaly less dead time and it feels like each cooldown matters again.
Kind of like my ret pally theres less wait for something time and more mash buttons to make sure something, Anything is happening.
So I really enjoy it the feel of the old days is back where you should be doing something always. Planning ahead, stacking buffs or power. Maybe even using a lesser spell to get the bonous.
However I have no idea what I "should" be doing.
I'm hoping I can learn more and the fights in mists have much more thinking required. If I could only have one wish I would wish for threat to be put back in. I want the vanilla system where damage was more than the perfect rotation, it was weighing big numbers and big trouble.