Hello everyone,
For those of you who don't know who I am I play all the "Swag" Characters in TCW guild.
I am currently putting together a group for 5.4 in order to do hardcore raiding. The end goal of this will be to clear Heroic Siege of Orgrimar. Details on times loot system and what we are looking for are as follows. For those interested in joining please make sure to read ALL of the below content before applying to join.
Tuesday 7-11pm
Thursday 7-11pm
*under consideration* Sunday 7-11pm
The loot system that will be used in this 10m raiding group will be loot council. I find this to be the most effective way to get the group to clear any raid because gear will be given to the person who it would benefit most. This will be based on both current gear, BiS, and spec.
Protection Paladin
Blood Deathknight
Tank Druid
Holy Paladin
Mistweaver Monk
Restoration Druid
Restoration Shaman
Priest (Any)
Survival/Beast Mastery Hunter
Unholy Deathknight
Assassination Rogue
Shadow Priest
Retribution Paladin
We do not expect everyone to be extremely geared at the beginning or the most skilled. But the least you can do for yourself is read up on your class to see what gear benefits you the most and figure out how you can make yourself as effective as possible. You are expected upon showing up for a raid to have flasks that benefit your class/spec/role the most. You should also be jammed, reforged, and enchanted in a way that you can be as effective as possible. We expect that you are ON TIME as invitations will be sent out at 7. If you ever have any prior issues to arriving on time or coming to the raid that day please notify someone beforehand. The raid will NOT wait for you. If you are late or do not show up your space will be given to a substitute. The speaking system we will be using is YY and you will be expected to both speak and listen during the raid.
If you have any questions please feel free to either contact me on skype via (oxiide5195) or in game on any of my characters
I hope that you will consider joining us!
Last edited by Liink on Thu 5 Sep 2013 - 23:25; edited 1 time in total