A few members have expressed interest in raiding lately so Zefix and I are looking to reform a raid group on Alterac. I believe most that expressed interest are around 520 - 530 ilvl so we're likely to begin with flex to help people gear up and learn the fights.
Currently compiling a list of people who want to join, we have about eight confirmed so looking for more.
All classes are welcomed at this point so if you're interested, send me an in-game mail with your current ilvl, class and spec and suggestions on when you want to raid.
Tentatively, we're looking at either Sundays, Mondays and/or Tuesdays from 10 pm - midnight.
Once we get a full group, I'll send out calendar invites for the first raid, hopefully by the end of March or first week of April.
Those who want to gear up in advance can look at Zefix's previous post for tips. Thanks guys!