Alot of translations and glossary and places names in Chinese can be found here:
But I found that some of them are not for MoP and some are missing and sometimes its easier to have the most important ones on just one page. Feel free to add more I will edit it in but these are the ones I learned over the past few month which will help newbies to Cwow to understand whats going on.
BL = Bu Luo, Horde
LM = Lian Meng, Alliance
DK= DK, BDK= Blood DK,
SS= Warlock
MS= Priest AM= Shadow Priest, JLM= Disc Priest,
DZ/Z= Rogue
ZS= Warrior ZST= Warrior Tank
QS= Paladin QST= Paladin Tank FQ= Pally Tank, CJQ= Ret Paladin, NQ= Holy Pally
XD= Druid XDT= Druid Tank, but never see them use that.. they generally just say 熊= Bear, 鸟德= Boomkin, 猫=Feral, ND = Resto Druid
FS= Mage
SM= Shaman NS = Resto Shammy
LR= Hunter
WS= Monk WST= Monk Tank
AG = Ao Ge, "Orgrimmar" but more commonly for Siege of Orgrimmar
PTAG = Pu Tong Ao Ge, Normal difficulty SoO
Gxx= Gold Raid usually
Hxx= Heroic usually for example , HAG (Heroic SoO), HICC (Heroic Ice crown Citadel)
PJ= Ping Ji, Premade Battleground
KPJ= Kong PinPremade battleground to get empty bugged ones
HHY= Heroic Huo Yuan, Heroic Firelands
3H= 3man Heroic, Heroic Scenario
M= Whisper
NCH= Garrosh
ZC= Battleground
BB= Bao Bao, Hunter/DK/SS Pet
ZJB= Zhuan Jia Bao, Heirlooms
SX= Bloodlust/Heroism
ZF= Battle Res
SP= Shiping trinket
弹= Tanxing, flex
2=1/22=3 = The equal sign in Chinese is spelled DENG which means 2 wait for 1, or 22 wait for 3.
Last edited by Zefix on Thu 27 Mar 2014 - 19:39; edited 4 times in total