" pwnie " ... let it be.
trout: dont you ever use scatter shot to kite (jumpshoot). its a waste of MANA, and time.
you use sting, and arcane shot. the idea behind it is to wear something down, before it reaches you, over some long time.
in pvp? yes, i use it... a LOT...... i kite rogues... why? they fun to kite. they believe that with sprint they WILL catch you..... unless, of course, the walk in to the freezing trap you just set... (MAUAHAHAHA), and then their sprint is on a LONG cooldown... and you keep on stinging them, which prvents them from vanishing.
warks on warriors as well, with a slight difference in strat.... hell... works on most things.
but DONT use scattershot. kitting != DPS.