Hi everyone,
Although I am not a WoW-player I am aware of the fact that is a very populair game in China. You can read below why I am posting this message here...
I am a Dutch student Businesscommunication (at Tilburg University) and for my masterthesis I need your help.
I am conducting a study on online consumerbehaviour in webshops. A very important subject is cultural differences. I have chosen to study the differences between Chinese and European citizens. The main reason for this is globalization, for an important part because of the Internet. Because there are still important cultural differences between country's, it is important to customize products for customers. If I can find out (more) differences in preferences from Chinese and European customers concerning different aspects within webshops, online retailers can customize their structure and lay-out. This will lead to more satisfied customers and probably more sales.
My main question is if you could help me by participating in my (short) online study at:
I'm really having trouble finding enough participants so I hope you will all participate or pass the link through to your friends or family.
If you want more specifics concerning this study, let me know.
Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully,
Coen vd Elzen