Yes, Hello, Nak is still alive...
So, after having farmed all but 2 drops in the whole game for my mage (sad but true), it is becoming boring. The game has been made so easy, that i almost despise Blizzard for it. Took up a Tank, thought it would be hard, and... it's not. Tanking is about as easy as jacking off, just more gear dependant.
The same goes for the other classes I tried (Hunter, Druid, Priest, Warlock and Paladin). So I am kind of, how to say, BORED, until WLK comes out, as there isn't much to do. No more Foreigners on the server, lagging behind in progression, which I could have accompanied and pulled through T5 instances, for the kicks of it.
So here is the deal:
I am hereby "opening" a Bnet server (I know that a Bnet server is not, ehm, "allowed", but who cares, by opening, i mean i "found" one, safe and stable to log on to, for the sake of this forum).
Are there people willing to play some Broodwar / WC3 / WC3 TFT / Diablo or other Blizz games on a server just with other people from here, for the fun of it?
You will NOT need any "real" CD-Key, and a game can be found easily (Google+Torrent
). The latest OFFICIAL patch (YES, true) from blizzard doesn't even require the CD anymore, so its even easier.
If there are, please reply here, and reply with WHAT times you would like to play (days / times) on the server, so that we can try to meet up.
For server adress, please PM me, I will tell you where i found it.
Happy gaming everyone.