B. Patch your foreign client for Chinese Servers manually Note :
a chinese client isn't involved at any part of this guide.
For those who prefer do it manually
Important : if you modify your client manually do not ever use the batch file to PATCH your client unless you are sure to have reverted all the manual modifications previously made. Not doing so will result in a corrupted client most of the time.
1. Get a
FOREIGN WOTLK CLIENT. Patch it to 3.3.5.a([patch/full client download][
guide:downgrade your client]
important :
(expensions aren't mandatory outside of China. if you don't have the file wow/data/lichking.mpq then you have a TBC3.3.5.a client), and won't be able to access the northrend continent.
2. in wow\ rename wow.exe, launcher.exe, battle.net.dll into wow.exe.bak, launcher.exe.bak, battle.net.dll.bak
3. In C:\wow\data rename the folder enUS into enCN
(enUS folder is named differently depending on the language of your client. German will be deDE, french frFR.)4. In C:\wow\data\enCN. ALL the files name containing "enUS" must be renamed with "enCN" . ex. patch-enUS.mpq must be renamed patch-enCN.mpq. (
enUS files are named differently depending on the language of your client. German will be deDE, french frFR.)
5. copy C:\wow\data\enCN\realmlist.wtf. rename the copy realmlist.wtf.bak
6. dowload this archive http://www.gamefront.com/files/20318169/TOwowCN3.3.5.13930.rar and extract it somewhere
- copy the file patch9.mpq into /wow/data
- copy the file patch-enCN-9.mpq into /wow/data/enCN
- copy the file realmlist.wtf into /wow/data/enCN
- copy wow.exe, launcher.exe, battle.net.dll into /wow
(if you wish to use your own .exe files, know that it must come from an up-to-date chinese client. the *.mpq files need to be downloaded from the forum, they just contain a simple text file with a version number, so no worries)
7. download http://www.filefront.com/17325058/Fonts.rar and extract it in your c:\wow. You should have a new Font folder c:\wow\Fonts.(you need to do this if you wanna read Chinese symbols in game)
8. start the game with wow.exe
- note: To restore your client just reverse what you did in this guide and you are good. you'll have to do this if an update must be applied on your foreign client.